Thursday, April 5, 2012

AFTER YEARS OF TORTURE; 9/11 suspects will be tried…

Sigh! Finally after years of torture; the directors and executive producers of 9/11 are now sure that the actors and supporting characters are ready to deliver their lines. With the controlled environment of the “AMERICAN GULAG” at Guantanamo bay, Cuba; nothing is expected to go wrong and if it does; the directors can always shout cut and reshoot later. This is another glaring example of how a US president is nothing more than a puppet; a ‘yes man’ to the people who put him in the White House; the same supermen that perpetually run the Evil Empire.

Obama was elected into office by the good people of the U.S. of A. seeking justice for the victims of 9/11. First; Obama promised to close the ‘American Gulag’ at Guantanamo within 6 months into office and second; he promised to try the 9/11 suspects at a civilian courts in USA promises he was blunted from executing by the directors and producers of 9/11.

After more than 10 years and with so much evidential proofs gathered to disprove the government’s version of events; trials by jury will almost certain to find them innocent but there is a greater catch; who are the real culprits? It is a question that the government cannot afford to answer; not by any chance. A kangaroo court is the easiest way out…

US to try five 9/11 suspects at Guantanamo
AljazeeraAljazeera – 23 hours ago

The US has announced charges against Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on its territory, along with four other alleged plotters, vowing to seek the death penalty in the military trial.
The five suspects will face charges of terrorism, hijacking aircraft, conspiracy, murder in violation of the law of war and other counts.
"The charges allege that the five accused are responsible for the planning and execution of the attacks of September 11, 2001, in New York and Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pa, resulting in the killing of 2,976 people," the defence 
department said in a statement.
"The convening authority referred the case to a capital military commission, meaning that, if convicted, the five accused could be sentenced to death."

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