Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MAD MEN: Netanyahu and Barak Forge a Bond on Israel’s Iran Crisis

I think it is righteously appropriate for the world (that is if the people of Israel who want to live in peace not perpetual war cannot do it) to strap these mad-men and haul them to a mental institution before they plunge the world into another conflagration that will again engulf the Middle East with the darkness of war and destruction. How ironic that men so few can so threaten the well being of so many of the planets 7 billion souls so helplessly muted in dread of what these few mad men can do. The effect of such war on the prices of oil alone will end life as we know it probably not permanently but for how long is any body’s guess. It is the nature of my work to heal the sick and bring back the dying from the brink but for once; just this once; I wish that these two men just drop dead or like their predecessor Ariel Sharon (he was about to bomb Iran) to slip into a coma; a living dead. 

2 Israeli Leaders Make the Iran Issue Their Own

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have turned into the odd couple of Israeli politics in whose hands sits the prospect of an attack on Iran. From opposite political traditions with distinct experiences and worldviews, the two have forged a tight bond, often excluding the rest of the Israeli leadership.


“On the surface they appear very different,” commented Daniel Ben-Simon, a left-leaning Labor Party member of Parliament who worked with Mr. Barak. “Netanyahu cannot disconnect Israel from the Holocaust. He sees himself as the prime minister of the Jewish people. Barak is the ultimate Israeli, the prince of Zionism. Many thought Barak would rein in Netanyahu on Iran. Instead he joined with him into a two-man show.”
While many here fear a catastrophe if Israel strikes at Iran, Mr. Barak and Mr. Netanyahu increasingly argue that there may be no other option. Their view is that given a choice between an Iran with nuclear weapons — which they say could use them against Israel directly or through proxies, as well as spur a regional arms race — and the consequences of an attack on Iran before it can go nuclear, the latter is far preferable. There will be a counterattack, they say; people will lose their lives and property will be destroyed. But they say it is the lesser of two evils.
“Rockets will fall on this building, but things would be far worse if Iran got the bomb,” said a top former official who has worked for both men, as he sat in a seaside Tel Aviv hotel lobby.
Using Mr. Netanyahu’s nickname, he said: “Bibi is a messianist. He believes with all his soul and every last molecule of his being that he — I don’t quite know how to express it — is King David. He’s not cynical in the least. The cynic here is Barak. The fortunate thing is that Bibi’s a coward. The dangerous thing is that he’s got Barak beside him.”


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