Monday, March 26, 2012

DEPOPULATION: 'How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth?'

This is a BBC documentary that every Filipino should watch specially the people opposed to the RH Bill. While the Bible commanded the first humans to go and procreate; Islam on the other hand ordained mankind to be the vicegerent on Earth; a caretaker of the planet so to speak. What use is our intelligence; God’s greatest gift that separates us from animals if we don’t use our judgment and reasons to maintain planet earth like our own house if we don’t keep it tidy and livable? Filipinos developed the habit of always blaming someone for their misfortunes including God when there is really no one to blame but themselves. The greatest threat to our well being is us. We blame God, we blame the government, we blame our neighbor but never me; not I.

This documentary is about how many people can the planet support but hey; you need not look beyond the borders. How many people can the Philippine archipelago support not to mention that in the next fifty years; many of our Islands will be submerged in the sea never to reappear in lows or in high tides and the rising sea will likewise chop a big chunk of our coastlines including densely populated cities and overcrowded slums?  The population is increasing while the lands are shrinking. 

Evironmentalist Propaganda? (I Don't Think So)
Alexandra Bruce
March 20, 2012

Over the next ten years, the Earth will need to accommodate another 3 billion human beings - that's more than the current populations of Europe, Africa, North and South America - combined.

Although some folks believe that notions of a population crisis are environmentalist propaganda (I don't agree), this BBC documentary with David Attenborough is a shockingly well-made and beautiful portrait of life on Earth, regardless one's position.


Uploaded by CooDocu
October 31, 2011

Naturalist David Attenborough investigates whether the world is heading for a population crisis. The human population has more than doubled from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7 billion today. Attenborough reflects on the profound effects of this rapid growth, both on humans and the environment.

While much of the projected growth in human population is likely to come from the developing world, it is the lifestyle enjoyed by many in the West that has the most impact on the planet. Some experts in this documentary claim that in the United Kingdom consumers use as much as two and a half times their fair share of Earth's resources.

Is it the duty of individuals to commit not only to smaller families, but to change the way they live for the sake of humanity and planet Earth?

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