Thursday, February 9, 2012

Israel be afraid of your apocalyptic minded ‘HERO’ leaders; not Iran

I wish leaders of the world once get elected don’t stop listening to the people for it is what democracy is all about; a government of the people for the people unfortunately; our leaders once seated at the helms of power thinks of the people as stupid morons who doesn’t know what is good for the country and they alone knows better. Protesters against the evils of government are hosed with water cannons, beaten and hauled to jails while the naiveté as lambs are sent to die in mindless wars. 

Israelis Should be Afraid of Their Leaders, not Iran

For far too long now Israel has been headed by heroes, the kind who don't hesitate to take the country on yet another dangerous, purposeless adventure. We must tell them now, loudly: We are a-f-r-ai-d.

By Gideon Levy

February 07, 2012 "
Haaretz" - - Some of the people reading these lines will not live through the winter; some of them may not die a natural death. If one is to believe the threats that are ramping up at warp speed, Israel will strike Iran's nuclear facilities before spring. If the assessments are accurate, hundreds or even thousands of Israelis will die in the retaliatory missile attacks that are sure to come.


All Israeli wars since 1973 were flawed wars of choice. Israel initiated all of them. None of them was inevitable; none resulted in any benefit that could not have been achieved using different means. In fact all of them were disastrous for us, even if the disaster was even greater for the other side. The most megalomaniac of them all, the Second Lebanon War, was also the most disastrous of them all. This bears remembering when debating the even greater megalomania of an attack on Iran.

In both the Second Lebanon War and the war in the Gaza Strip Israel lost more than it gained. But these were only the trailers for what is liable to happen in the First Iran War. It has the potential to be the most monstrous war of all. Even if we accept the reassurances of the next minister of war, Barak, hundreds of Israeli civilian deaths are anticipated. Even if we believe his forecast we must keep in mind that no one can predict how a war will develop and what it will bring.

Israel must do all it can to keep Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons - everything except launching another war of choice.

Israel has not been led by cowards for a long time, the type whose fear caused them to act wisely and cautiously. For far too long now Israel has been headed by heroes, the kind who don't hesitate to take the country on yet another dangerous, purposeless adventure.

We must tell them now, loudly: We are a-f-r-a-i-d.

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