Tuesday, January 17, 2012

WAR PLAN IRAN: Dispelling the Lies, Telling the Truth


…its 2012

…the BEAST 666 is the United Nations on the bases of U.N. Resolution 666 leading to the BATTLE OF BABYLON in 1991

…the NEW JERUSALEM (Harram Mosque in MECCA) was completed in 1994 very precisely as described in the Book of Revelation.

Towards Iran nearly a million men will march,
The true serpent will also invade Turkey and Egypt.

Nostradamus V, 25 


WAR PLAN IRAN: Dispelling the Lies, Telling the Truth about Western Aggression in the Persian Gulf:

by Finian Cunningham and Michel Chossudovsky


The region is on a hair-trigger for a conflagration that would involve nuclear weapons and the collision of global powers in what would constitute World War III. The consequences are barely imaginable for the loss of life in such a scenario and for the very future of the planet. Yet all the while, the mainstream media has served to justify this march to war or to downplay its horrific possibilities.

The complacency of Western public opinion --including segments of the US anti-war movement-- is disturbing. No concern has been expressed at the political level as to the likely consequences of a US-NATO-Israel attack on Iran, using nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state.
Such an action would result in "the unthinkable": a nuclear holocaust over a large part of the Middle East. It should be noted that a nuclear nightmare would occur even if nuclear weapons were not used. The bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities using conventional weapons would contribute to unleashing a Chernobyl-Fukushima type disaster with extensive radioactive fallout.
The "Globalization of War" involving the hegemonic deployment of a formidable US-NATO military force in all major regions of the World is inconsequential in the eyes of the Western media.

War is not front page news in comparison to the most insignificant issues of public concern, including the local level crime scene or the tabloid gossip reports on Hollywood celebrities. The broader implications of this war on Iran are either trivialized or not mentioned. People are led to believe that war is part of a "humanitarian mandate" and that both Iran as well as Iran's allies, namely China and Russia, constitute an unrelenting threat to global security and "Western democracy".
In the face of ceaseless media disinformation, We at Global Research are committed to raising public awareness of the injustice and criminality being perpetrated by Western governments. We began this News Reader by saying that 2012 could be a watershed year for ominous reasons. It could also be a watershed year for a better future in which citizens rise up to avert war and overthrow their oppressive governments, to create societies that are worthy of human beings. In order to achieve that, we first need to know what is at stake and why. This Online News Reader (N-Book) aims to do that.

Playing with Fire: Covert Acts of Aggression, Provocation and War
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-01-14
- by Tom Burghardt - 2012-01-14
Clinton denies US involvement in murder of nuclear scientist
- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-01-13

- by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - 2012-01-08

- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-01-03
- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-01-10
- by Dr. Ismail Salami - 2011-12-27
- by Finian Cunningham - 2011-12-07
- by Finian Cunningham - 2011-12-08
War-Making is a Crime: The Latest Episode in America’s Long Record

- by Finian Cunningham - 2012-01-09
- by Prof. Francis A. Boyle - 2012-01-07
- by Sherwood Ross - 2012-01-07
- by Carla Stea - 2012-01-10


Media Manipulation: Lies, Distortions and Selling Yet Another War to the Public

- by James Corbett - 2012-01-02
-by Arash Norouzi - 2012-01-04
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2011-11-09
- by James Corbett - 2012-01-03

Towards a Global Conflagration

- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2011-12-04
- by Dr Paul Craig Roberts - 2012-01-13
- by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - 2012-01-01
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-01-08
- by Tom Burghardt - 2012-01-02
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2011-12-26
- by Tom Burghardt - 2011-12-26
– Rogozin - 2012-01-13
- by Patrick Henningsen - 2012-01-05
- by David Swanson - 2012-01-06
- by Stephen Lendman - 2012-01-07
- by Dr. Ismail Salami - 2012-01-06

'via Blog this'

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