Sunday, January 15, 2012

 Piss on War: Death, Desecration and Afghanistan

It boggles the mind to see human do evil things to another whom he had not known, not quarreled with, not even know his name or if he has small children drowning him in laughter at home or a loving wife worrying about the taste of the meal she prepared for him not to mention that he travelled half across the globe to do it. He came to destroy and kill then he opens his crotch and pee on the body of his victims; what evil, what monster…how demonic; it is almost beyond words to describe what animal of a man would do such monstrosity to another and yet it is what the world has become.

A woman perfectly pretty cheered for the marines pissing on their victim’s corpses because according to her; the murderer of 3,000 at the 9/11 incident deserve the treatment their dead bodies received.

What an evil ignorant moron: The Taliban were never responsible for 9/11 and even the Al Qa’eda they accused of 9/11 were paid for and brought to Afghanistan by the US government. I heard it (CNN) from the mouth of Gen. Collin Powell that the US government gave Osama Bin Laden and his group 3 billion; yes, 3 billion dollars in cash and arms and trained them in the art of the kill.

War is not ugly; it is the purest of evils if fought for all the wrong and evil reasons: 9/11 LOL! 

Piss on War: Death, Desecration, and Afghanistan : Information Clearing House:

Piss on War: Death, Desecration, and Afghanistan
By Hamilton Nolan

January 13, 2012 "
Gawker" -- A video emerges showing US Marines pissing on three Taliban corpses in Afghanistan. The outrage machine grinds into motion. The media bestirs itself from its slumber. Americans momentarily pay attention to the war in Afghanistan again. Politicians rush to add their names to the chorus of identical statements. All inflamed over the least bad thing that soldiers do in war.
Do you know what is worse than having your dead body urinated upon? Being killed. Being shot. Being bombed. Having your limbs blown off. Having your house incinerated by a drone-fired missile that you don't see until it explodes. Having your children blown up in their beds. Having your spouse killed. Having your hometown destroyed. Being displaced. Becoming a refugee. Having your entire life destroyed as a consequence of political forces far, far beyond your control.
War is horrible. War is sickening. Wars started for supremely righteous causes are just as horrible and sickening in their consequences as wars started for less than righteous causes. Politicians who sit in office chairs and start wars and wave flags as young men and women go off to kill and die and be psychologically and emotionally damaged for life are the most sickening of all. Politicians start wars and are rewarded with an appearance on weekend talk shows and Very Respectable Discussions with Very Respectable media figures and jokes at the White House Correspondent's Dinner and appearances on Leno and ghostwritten self-glorifying memoirs and lavishly catered fundraising parties with corporate executives. They should be rewarded with outrage. They should be rewarded with scorn. Starting a war is a monstrous, monstrous crime against humanity, as we know when it begins that no matter how cleanly it is conducted it will result in thousands upon thousands of bullets smashing men's skulls and arms and legs blown off by shrapnel and mothers and children incinerated by high explosives. And every extra day that a war is perpetuated unnecessarily is a crime anew.

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