Friday, January 13, 2012

 Energy Wars 2012

They call it an Iranian bluff in this article but hey; if USA is insane enough to contemplate bombing Iran for Israel; what will stop Iran from responding in kind? Iran in case of war will not think twice from bombing oil fields, depot and oil facilities across the Gulf owned by Sunni Sheikhdoms. These are allies of USA and are therefore legitimate targets. IT IS NOT AN IRANIAN BLUFF; IT IS DETERRENT as in attack me if you dare.

Energy Wars 2012
The Three Top Hot Spots of Potential Conflict in the Geo-Energy Era

By Michael T. Klare

January 11, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---
Welcome to an edgy world where a single incident at an energy “chokepoint” could set a region aflame, provoking bloody encounters, boosting oil prices, and putting the global economy at risk. With energy demand on the rise and sources of supply dwindling, we are, in fact, entering a new epoch -- the Geo-Energy Era -- in which disputes over vital resources will dominate world affairs. In 2012 and beyond, energy and conflict will be bound ever more tightly together, lending increasing importance to the key geographical flashpoints in our resource-constrained world.
Take the Strait of Hormuz, already making headlines and shaking energy markets as 2012 begins. Connecting the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, it lacks imposing geographical features like the Rock of Gibraltar or the Golden Gate Bridge. In an energy-conscious world, however, it may possess greater strategic significance than any passageway on the planet. Every day, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, tankers carrying some 17 million barrels of oil -- representing 20% of the world’s daily supply -- pass through this vital artery.

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