Sunday, December 18, 2011


I am trying to grasp what Barak meant by “political earthquake” shaking the Israeli establishment.  He seems to be misreading the sign of the times. Political earthquake is already rocking the Middle East that so far has not yet reached the doorsteps of the Israeli establishment. Zionists are a bunch of fanatics that is hardened to the core whose solid foundation is unlikely to be rocked by any political earthquake; it will be swept away by the wave of discontent rocking her surroundings nations and kingdoms. You cannot build fortification around a racist and evil ideology; it will be swept away by the firestorm building momentum in the region. His adherence like any Zionist of his kind to “peace only on our terms” will bring that firestorm he mistook for earthquake right at her borders. Firestorm Mr. Barak: Islamist’s fire not “stormy Islamist Winter” to quote your metaphor. 

Barak warns of political quake in Israel

Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Barak has warned that Tel Aviv is on the verge of a historic political earthquake amid the recent developments in the Middle East.


"Israel is in close proximity to what has been described as a historic political earthquake," he said during a speech at a Washington conference organized by the pro-Israeli Jewish group, Union for Reform Judaism.

"Across the Middle East -- in under a year -- regimes have fallen and dictators continue to be disposed of. Are we looking at the beginning of a democratic Middle East? Or will the Arab spring turn into a stormy Islamist winter?" he said.


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