Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMPIRE BURLESQUE: war without end…

Absurd; I wrote: “Obama wins the Nobel Prize for peace.” Because KSA is in the east ahead by 3 hours of Europe and at least 8 hours from USA and the rest of the Americas…my post was ahead of the rest in our forum that caught everyone really by surprise.

The war in Iraq viewed at whatever angle is lost, evil, monstrous that cannot be undone. Nobody wins in a war where more than a million are violently dead; millions are displaced or uprooted from their homes and a trillion that went puff to destroy another country and for what. It is mindboggling that whenever anyone sits back and view this war at a distance; it seems to be a war that just happened for no reason or with changing reasons as quick as the change of season…summer, winter or fall.  It is diabolical for USA to view the Iraq war only in terms of lives they lost, money they spent and the wounded they have to take care of in years to come as if the million Iraqi dead and millions displaced, the widowed, the orphaned and the wrecked country they left behind did not matter at all. It is despicable…evil.

When or will USA ever have a leader that can for once tell the truth? Obama opposed this war while he was a budding congressman. The best he could have done is express remorse for the war and promise the young returning soldiers from Iraq: “never again” will their lives be sacrificed in an unjust war. 

War Without End, Amen: The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq

By Chris Floyd 

December 19, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -  In March 2003, the United States of America launched an entirely unprovoked act of military aggression against a nation which had not attacked it and posed no threat to it. This act led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. It drove millions more from their homes, and plunged the entire conquered nation into suffering, fear, hatred and deprivation.

This is the reality of what actually happened in Iraq: aggression, slaughter, atrocity, ruin. It is the only reality; there is no other. And it was done deliberately, knowingly, willingly. Indeed, the bipartisan American power structure spent more than $1 trillion to make it happen. It is a record of unspeakable savagery, an abomination, an outpouring of the most profound and filthy moral evil.

Line up the bodies of the children, the thousands of children -- the infants, the toddlers, the schoolkids -- whose bodies were torn to pieces, burned alive or riddled with bullets during the American invasion and occupation of Iraq. Line them up in the desert sand, walk past them, mile after mile, all those twisted corpses, those scraps of torn flesh and seeping viscera, those blank faces, those staring eyes fixed forever on nothingness.

This is the reality of what happened in Iraq; there is no other reality.

Read the full article here:

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