(More than 60 were killed and hundreds
were wounded a few days ago (the day of ASHURA) in Afghanistan when a bomb went off amidst a big crowd, marking the martyrdom of the prophet’s grandson, Hussein.
Likewise, in Iraq, many died for the same reason.)
Note: I had the
following posted in another forum where we were discussing terrorism in the
name of Islam. I was attacked by insinuating that MULLAH MOHAMMAD OMAR is the
prophesied Dajjal translated to be the anti-Christ by Moslems. Mullah Mohammad
Omar…president and founder of the Taliban is more anti-Islam than anti-Christ.
THE ONE EYED MULLAH (exactly as foretold by the Prophet) IN THE PICTURE IS
1) …till the
advent of Qiyamah (judgment day) there is no fitnah (evil, test) much greater than
that of Dajjal.\" (The Prophet)
(It is the extreme ideology of this man
that the Muslim WORLD IS VIRTUALLY at WORLD WAR. It is sad to say that it is an
inter-Moslem World War. I cringed when I saw the ruling Taliban beat women in
the streets of Kabul
and close down the schools for girls because, to their brand of Islam, women
should be confined at home. I never had the stomach to see those video tapes coming out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other places of beheadings. More than 300 innocents died when they tried to
assassinate Binazer the first time because a woman cannot be the leader of a
Muslim nation. They got her eventually. A few years ago, they descended upon a "YAZIDY" village in Iraq. They considered Moslem heretics and slaughtered more than 500 men, women, and
children. Where in the Qur'an did it say that you can bundle yourself in
dynamites…walk to a mosque, a market, a wedding party, a bus, or a crowd of pilgrims, and blow everybody with you to kingdom come? If it is not in the
Qur'an, then it is not Allah that promised you heaven…it is whoever made you do
it that promised you paradise. Congratulations…you found another god that
promises you heaven if you blow the world to kingdom come.)
2) A person
will approach him thinking he is a Believer, but he will become his follower on seeing his amazing feats. (The Prophet)
It is the mystique created around this man
that made him what he is to millions of Muslims around the World. I heard
stories of miracles performed by this man, like the materialization of water in the desert when they go thirsty, but the one that really made me bite my tongue was
the story whereby a white car was made to materialize because they have no
transport. I am not saying that it didn't happen…it probably did and perfectly
fits the prophecy of the Prophet. I once confronted my cousins who have gone to
(Tabligh) several times for alleged religious da'awa training. I demanded to
know why they were wearing the Pashtun's trousers, and the reply was…it was to
distinguish them from the rest of us. I said…why don't you wear the prophet's
clothes if it is him that you want to emulate? Don't you know that you are wearing loose trousers are from Dajjal, and they laughed at me? They thought
I was joking. Again…congratulation! You found a new prophet.
3) He will have
one eye (with which he can see, and this is the protruding eye about which
others Hadith informed us) while his other eye will be totally flat. It will
neither be deep (in its socket) nor protruding. (The Prophet)
(He became a recluse when he lost one eye
during one of the battles against the Russians in Afghanistan . He has refused anyone
to take his picture ever since.)
4) He will be
unable to enter Makkah because the Malaikah will be guarding the Holy City, and he will not be able to enter Madina because there will be Malaikah guarding each of the seven entrances to Madina. From Madina, he will proceed towards Shaam, where Imaam Mahdi will be stationed.
In the chaos of World War 3…extremists
could win in their theatre of operations. They are already winning in many
parts of the World. The Dajjal will triumphantly declare his intentions to
wrestle from the Saudi ruling family the control of Mecca and Medina . Extremists consider the House of Saud a puppet to the Imperialist West (Dragon and the Beast 666). Do you think…Will Saudi Arabia roll the red carpet to welcome him to Makkah and Medina ?
5) Finally, Isa
(Jesus) will descend from the heavens and pursue him, eventually killing him in the present day, Lydda (Baad Lud). (The Prophet)
Note: I am not
saying I am close to being right. I just found it weird…absolutely
weird that all the prophecies of the END TIMES converged: BEAST 666 (U.N), 2nd
BEAST (NATO), DRAGON [that gave power unto the Beast 666 and the 2nd
Beast from the land] (USA), NEW JERUSALEM (MECCA) and the Muslim DAJJAL (Mullah
Mohammad Omar). I don't want Jesus, the Dajjal, or the Mahdi to come in my lifetime or in the lifetime of my children. The appearance of any of these
guys doesn't bode well for mankind or planet Earth.
Many will disagree in fact only some will think about it half heartedly but hey; Mullah Muhammad Omar is no ordinary “ONE-EYED-MORTAL.” He is the president; founder and father of the Taliban extreme ideology that is fueling the murderous inter-Islamic war between the Sunnites and Shiites. Tell me if you may if there is any other one-eyed-mortal that better fits the profile of the Dajjal as described by the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.).
ReplyDeleteGreat insights that could hardly be taken for granted. I came to learn that when one is nearing his end a fitnah of any kind is sure to be around his being. A sure test for his bidding adieu his earthly existence. With the present atmosphere, the world over, is it not fitting to say that we are indeed nearing the end of our final journey? Allahu alim but preparedness must already be put in serious consideration. I too would not or never in my wildest dreams be ever want to be around during this final moment! May Allah have mercy and save us from that dreadful moment! Aameen.