Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ARIEL SHARON: Zionist giant is a living dead

I remember that before Ariel Sharon slipped into a coma; the West’s anti-Iran rhetoric was at a fever-pitch height. Instead of the rest of the world telling Sharon to tone down his attacks; USA was busy shipping to Sharon bunker busting bombs. I was almost sure that USA was encouraging Sharon to do it or was already at an understanding for Israel to bomb Iran and USA will stand by her come-what-may. Fortunately for Iran and the rest humanity; the lumbering Zionist giant suddenly dropped ‘not’ dead but a “living dead.” He is more of a vegetable than a zombie six years hence…

Ariel Sharon’s Son Says His Father Would Have Kept Israel From Iran

Gilad Sharon, son of the former Israeli prime minister, says his father would have kept Israel safe from Iran and was a 'much better prime minister' than Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister who remains incapacitated since suffering a stroke six years ago, would have done “everything in his power” to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons if he were still prime minister, his son Gilad Sharon has told The Daily Beast.
He said he’s sure Israel would be better off today had his father never left the political stage because Sharon “was a much better prime minister” than current leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
“I cannot point out a specific decision he would take, but I can tell you he would do everything in his power—and his power was always something you cannot underestimate—to prevent that from happening [Iran developing nuclear weapons],” Sharon said in an interview to promote the biography he’s written about his father, Sharon: The Life of a Leader.


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