Wednesday, November 9, 2011



There’s a quiet, solemn-looking little boy nearby, playing quietly with some toys in the dirt. He looks to be about six years old—a mere kindergartner, in the modern era. It’s then that you’re reminded of your mission: this is the town of Passau in Southern Germany. And that’s no ordinary little boy. It’s none other than young Adolf Hitler.

Similarly; you are no ordinary mortal. You are a terminator. The ELDERS OF ZION sent you back in time with one single mission; KILL THE YOUNG ADOLF HITLER.

I came further away from the future. I knew better than the elders of Zion and to save humankind from nuclear conflagration; I must protect the boy. I must make sure that WORLD WAR II happens before the warring nations produce the bomb.


Imagine a world without “WORLD WAR II.”

1) Like it or not…World War 2 liberated most of the world teetering under colonial oppressive conquest my country (Philippines) being one of many.

2) Imagine a ‘World War’ that would have come later (when nuclear bomb becomes available to all the warring parties) rather than sooner. Germany and Japan would have retaliated with the same bomb that USA used had it been available to them.

3) The state of Israel would not have come into existence as easily as it did had it not been for the War. Like it or not…Hitler may have been the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish people (censor it if you must) unfortunately…the worst thing that ever happened (curse) to the Arabs and to the rest of the World.

4) Imagine a world with 6 million more Jews to contend with. It would have plunged the world just the same to unimaginable war so the Zionists can return to the so-called (fake) Promised-Land. It could have conquered all of the Biblical greater Israel from the Jordan River to the fringes of the Red Sea.

5) World War 2 ended the BEASTS OF EMPIRES leaving one (USA) to rule them all…by the BEASTLY POWER of the (ring) NUCLEAR BOMB.

6) Lastly (actually; there are many more reasons)…imagine WHAT ROLE USA WOULD BE PLAYING IN A WORLD WITH FASCIST GERMANY, ITALY AND JAPAN UNHAMPERED AND UNHUMBLED BY DEFEAT IN WAR? It’s not a pretty picture…! Well…maybe maybe not.

7) Will “World War 3” be another cleansing ritual for planet Earth?


The alternate reality could have been worse. I challenge historians to imagine a world (considering everything to the minute detail) without ‘World War II’ or a World War II that would have come later rather than sooner than it did. Imagine if Hitler (top physicists of the time were Germans) had made the bomb (he was working on it) before he embarked on his conquest of Europe. Had he perfected the bomb; he would have given it to Japan, Italy and maybe Turkey. Let us be academic about this. The war was devastating and so was World War I and yet like it or not...WE ARE HEADING TOWARDS WORLD WAR 3. DID WE EVER LEARN (knowing what we know now) FROM OUR STUPENDOUS STUPIDITIES? Are we doing enough to stop going through another war that will probably end all wars (Armageddon)? No...MAN IS A SAVAGE…MORE SAVAGE THAN ANY ANIMAL THAT EVER WALKED THE PLANET. It is like knowing perfectly well what will happen if you hang yourself and yet you go outside and went ahead just the same...HANG YOURSELF. No wonder...the angels complained to God (of creating man that will spread havoc on the planet) when He decided to create man but God silenced the angel by telling them; He know things that they don’t. It is a religious puzzle that baffles me to this day...WHY CREATE MAN if the angels already knew of the senseless future of humankind? What is the secret in man that God is not telling?


1 comment:

  1. Baffling indeed that the angels feared the savagery of man... yeah! Fear indeed the savagery of a thinking man! but Allahu alim. We only have to trust in His magnificence. Allah knows best His creations while we know NOT!
