Sunday, November 6, 2011



As I have said in my previous posts...Israel must be really crazy if it attacks Iran either alone or with west’s support. Like the reality of the existence of Israel that neither Iran nor the Arabs can drive her to the sea...we have come to a point in time that Iran can no longer be deterred from at least having the capability to produce the bomb at a short notice. The alternative to these realties is ARMAGEDDON.

Even western analysts believe that what is driving Iran to produce the bomb is not only Israel/USA/Europe meddling in the internal affairs of Iran; it is Israel/USA’s threat 24/7. Iran is crazy if she doesn’t produce the bomb as some kind of deterrence.

In the last year of Bush at the white house; he and his top neocons made hectic journeys to the Middle East warmongering with alleged (most probably fabricated) evidence that Iran is making the bomb that is more a threat to the Arabs than to the west. Israel and USA were desperately looking for an Arab ally to attack Iran. The latest attempt was USA’s fabricated alleged assassination plot by Iran to kill the Saudi ambassador to USA that made the whole world laughing. Anyway; had Israel opened pathways for peace with the Palestinians; they would have Arab allies against Iran but Israel is a Zionists beast who wanted everything her way.

Zio-lover Zarko has replaced UK as trigger-happy ready to blow the Mid-East (Libya) into bits although UK will always be the Zio-War-Dog lying low to appease disgruntled Brits.  

Israel and the West are just making too much fuss about Iran’s nuclear capabilities because we know that assuming Iran produce the will be suicidal to even contemplate using it. Once it is positively proven to have produced the bomb...hundreds if not thousands of bombs will be directed at Iran.

We all know that Iran’s bomb is nothing more than a morale booster...

Hmm! On second thought; Israel and Iran are two beasts hovering at the fringes of the extremes who believe that they have the messianic mission to fulfill the prophesied end of humankind not to mention Pat Robertson and his Christian-kind fuelling the battle. 

Will someone please tell these freaks to do their messianic battle on another planet...?


"The biggest threat to the United States and to our interests and to our friends ... has come into focus and it's Iran," said the U.S. military official, addressing a forum in Washington. 

In Israel, President Shimon Peres was asked by Channel Two News if events were moving toward to a military option rather than a diplomatic one. He replied: "I believe so, I estimate that intelligence services of all these countries are looking at the ticking clock, warning leaders that there is not much time left."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking at a G20 summit of world leaders in France, said: "Iran's behavior and this obsessional desire to acquire nuclear military (capability) is in violation of all international rules. ... If Israel's existence were threatened, France would not stand idly by.

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