Wednesday, October 19, 2011



The one question which truly obsesses humankind is whether we are alone in the universe is or not. Traces of old and recent sightings seem to point to the existence of extraterrestrial life but man can only be satisfied by a handshake with an alien from another world.

“Allah” is not only referred to as the Lord of the Worlds in the Holy Qur’an; there are many verses in the holy book in reference to other creatures and beings in the universe. Many scholars of Islam have been asked the question of the possibility of other life forms in the universe and the answer is always the same; “nothing is impossible for God.” They are always noncommittal afraid that it might put Islam in a dilemma shall it be proven otherwise.

One may not prove but neither one will disproves the existence of other life forms in the infinite universe; to the contrary, man is getting closer to the discovery of his own origin; the Garden of Eden.

Man is a stranger to planet Earth. WE ARE THE ALIENS...

Our enduring search for other life forms in the universe is our unconscious longing for the Garden of Eden.

Whoever wrote the Bible may have the true message but revisionists rewrote it later to be more understandable to the primitive mind never suspecting that humans will evolve to become a highly sophisticated beings.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille, author of many books on Science, Islam and the Bible was right when he said that the early Muslims did not understand most of what the Prophet was talking about especially relating to science. The verses for instance on the origin of the known universe from a “single nebula that God rent asunder” (21:30-Big Bang) or the “origin of life from water and very recently; the “accelerating expansion of the Universe”

Adam and Eve:

          Genesis 2:10 speaks of a river watering the garden flowed from Eden and from there divided; it had four headstreams. The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havillah where there is Gold. The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of the Asshur and the fourth river is the Euphrates.

          Who is going to deny that the geographical Biblical description of the Garden of Eden is the ancient Babylon which is now known as Iraq? The Garden of Eden was like a walled orchard where Adam and Eve simply walked out through the gate when banished out of the Garden as depicted in many movies.

          In contrast, it is very clear when Allah said, Qur’an 7:24 “Get you down with enmity between yourselves. On Earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time.” In Qur’an 7:25 – He said: “therein shall you live and therein you shall die but from it, you shall be taken out at last.”

          The Qur’an version is very clear that the Garden of Eden is not of this planet. God spoke of Earth as a totally different place as if banishing man to an Island in the vast ocean of space to serve out a certain limited period of time.

1)    “...get you down” (from where...?)
2)    “...with enmity between yourselves.” (It would imply that Adam and Eve were not alone that would sync with the Bible. Eve was Adam’s second wife. The first wife was Lilith. The children of Adam went out and find themselves wives meaning there were other Earth settlers.)
3)    “...Earth will be your dwelling place for a timemeaning they came from somewhere else. Earth was an alien planet.
4)    “...but from it you shall be taken out at lastmeaning humankind will abandon earth at some point in time. Will I be wrong to assume based on this verse that in case of earth’s destruction; humankind will be evacuated back to the gardens of Eden?


Qur’an 10:66“Behold! Verily to Allah belong all the creatures in the heavens and on Earth.”

          Qur’an 4:36“Then praise to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the Earth, Lord and cherisher of all the Worlds.” (World is always plural everywhere in the Qur’an which could mean universes that would sync with the “MULTIVERSE” theory.)

          Qur’an 30:26“To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on Earth. All are devotedly obedient to Him.”

          Qur’an 48:4“For to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and on Earth.”

          Qur’an 19:93“Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to the most gracious as a servant.”

          Qur’an 13:15“Whatever beings there are in the heavens and on earth do prostrate themselves to Allah with good will or in spite of themselves so do their shadows in the morning and evening.” (As spirits, angels are generally accepted to have no shadows that would make this verse very significant as to the physical nature of those extraterrestrial creatures of the heavens)

          Qur’an 42:29“and one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He scattered through them and He has the power to gather them together when He wills.”

3 people were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe.

 I said, swell...

They should give it to the Qur’an.

Then when the stars become dim; Qur’an 77:8 (because of the accelerating expansion of the Universe; stars will one day lose their luster and become dim while others will completely vanish (stars fall) from our sight except the stars in our own galaxy; the Milky Way.)

When the heaven is cleft asunder; Qur’an 77:9 (Eventually; the universe will be ripped apart by Dark energy or whatever unseen force that is cleaving the universe asunder…THE END.)


1 comment:

  1. the great minds of the present world would simply not bow to the great revelations of Allah to the prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) simply because of pride. the Holy Quran for over 1400 years has shown the world its contents. who knows these great scientists of this present world do not reference their researches on its contents. Allah knows best.
