Wednesday, June 1, 2011




Writing is my passion; well, that should do it in a very simple manner of expression. Writing for many is a hobby of sort. Yes, that is me and many others like me out there. Thanks to the net, the web or whatever you like to call it. Without it; what we write may never be read and I say...what a waste. Unlike people in the media who are told what to say or write in a scripted manner; people who writes because it is their first love write of things that springs forth from their hearts. 

Some friends are pressing me to make my own website. I don’t know; maybe I will.

I have written 2 books; one published and the other not. There are actually 3 books; the third being the closest to my heart. It is my translation of the most popular episodes of the “Maranaw Darangen”: The Abduction of Princess Lawanen. Pass the word guys...I will give it to you in a series. All the people who have read a portion of it were awestruck by its beauty; I mean the beauty of the Darangen; the world’s longest epic. It makes you proud to be a Maranaw.

If you follow my blog; I will not disappoint you. I am new to blogging although I am not new to the net. Why I discovered blogging so very late surprises even me. I have been busy writing in other sites; it is time to put it one place that I can call my own. Hmm! I choose a blog because it is free. Why pay for a domain when you can have it for free and besides; Google is not poor. Blogging is one of many that helped build their company to what it is today; A USER FRIENDLY MONSTER! Love it...

Nosca L. Khalid (NLK), M.D.

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