
Friday, October 18, 2019

SUBWAY TALK “yes, we can”

If Makati can build its own subway system (beneath JP Rizal and Ayala Ave), QC can likewise build its own subway beneath EDSA and Quezon Avenue. However, changing the present Metro Manila Mega subway system is too careless and too late. The representative of the 2nd district of Quezon City is out of touch with reality. She wants the Manila mega-subway to be built beneath EDSA instead of C5. She probably didn’t know that the main underground tunnel construction was about to begin.

Maybe in the future, Yoreme (Isko Moreno) can build a subway beneath Taft Avenue/Roxas Boulevard, and Mandaluyong-Pasig can build its own subway beneath Shaw Boulevard.

Sane people can lose their sanity over the EDSA traffic. Ramon Ang of San Mig Corp. has submitted the detailed plan for an elevated EDSA expressway to DOTr. We will probably hear from the government very soon about the project.

Some people in the media are now calling Manila MANILA MEGA CITY, no longer Metro Manila. The population will keep growing, and transportation will become worse before it becomes better unless the building of a mass transport system is accelerated faster than population growth. The future, though, is bright in the sense that all of these big dreams are money-making monsters, meaning the government will not spend a single cent. The private sectors seem to have an endless supply of money where money is to be made—MONEY BEGETS MONEY.

The old man, the mayor of the Philippines, has stirred people's imaginations where in the past—the government used to tell us that we were too poor to afford a single subway—the Build-Build-Build program has assured us that "yes, we can," and the only limit is how high we can reach the sky.

HOW FAR CAN A PRESIDENT BE SO STUPID AND INCOMPETENT? Some portion of the Bicol Express railway was damaged by a typhoon, and instead of putting it back on track – he abandoned it to rot and rust (…so bus companies could make money out of people’s misery?)


Sunday, August 11, 2019

Grandparents BABYSIT

It is when you retire that you find joy not only in driving for the family but babysitting for your grandchildren meaning – YOU ARE A BABYSITTER AND A FAMILY DRIVER.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

DASHcam collection 1

The greatest threat to safe driving is the exponential rise of riders (motorcycle) that is not going to get better, never because their numbers will continue to rise. With the new law to curtail the sale of cars to non-garage owners, more people will turn to motorcycles not to mention the rising numbers of online store couriers on two wheels and of course - "Angkas."

Saturday, August 3, 2019

August is a "GHOST MONTH"

From time to time, I would check my new toy – a CCTV camera that deceptively looks like an ordinary light bulb (a niece gave it to me week earlier). In the evening of August 2, I found a white light or something that looked like a skull. It was 1-minute past midnight. I unlocked the door and checked the terrace. I was hoping, I’ll find a ghost sitting on my car and yeah, I didn’t know until a day earlier that August is a ‘ghost month.’ I was certain, it was a light reflection from somewhere but I didn’t find where it was coming from. The last time I checked was 5 o'clock at dawn and it was still there. I assured myself, I will find it again in the evening. If it is a permanent fixture, it will always be there but the next evening, it wasn’t there.

Friday, July 19, 2019

B4 I 4get: 50 years ago, today - THE MOONWALK

It was the greatest event in the history of humankind…up to that moment in time.

The boarding house was at the 4th floor of Laperal apartments.

In Marawi City, there was no electricity…sorry there was but only for the can afford few. The light in Marawi then and now is an animal that is more often dead than it is alive. When I was young, television was a distant fiction that I saw only in the movies.

I arrived in Manila in 1968.

Our landlady rented 2 apartments facing each other’s. In one apartment, student boarders lived and in the other, the family lived that also served as dinning and a receiving room with yes – a television.

At 8 in the evening of July 19, 1969, (if I remember right) all the student boarders huddled together in front of the TV. I think, it was also the first time that a global live broadcast of any event happened. It was the dawn of satellite global broadcasting.

By midnight, only half of the original group of about 10 were left. The time of the landing kept changing and by 6 AM, I was the only one left. When Armstrong finally delivered, “one small step…one giant leap for mankind,” – it was past 7 in the morning of July 20, 1969 and I was all alone – a moment I cherish to this day. If it was a hoax then I was a witness to the greatest hoax in human history.

Fifty years from now…the moon will be a common tourist destination. Human settlers will be thriving on Mars and with my youngest 14 years old daughter’s obsession with astronomy, she will probably make it to the moon and maybe Mars – why not? Technology is no longer a creeper…it is a jumper zooming at the speed of light. Fifty years from now, robots will be exploring the sea of Europa and Enceladus and maybe, they would have found lives in those water-worlds virtually stone throw away from earth.

If I live long enough to witness the first man walk on Mars – I will sail towards the sunset with a smile on my face.


Thursday, July 11, 2019

MIGHT MAKES RIGHT: Philippine vs China

Persian Gulf or Arabian Gulf...West Philippine Sea or South China Sea?

Since the first man walked on these archipelagos, those clusters of rocks and sand sticking out of the sea were there. Because we have more than 7,100 Islands - those useless rocks and sands so far, far away were not even registered in our consciousness, and for eons of mattered not to us.

...then came China. They started building beautiful structures. They expanded the Islands by reclamation. They bought lands from the Philippines, where they flattened the hills and mountains, bringing the earth to reclaim the Islands.

When we learned what was going on, it was too late to shout foul. It was too late to say, "Stop! These Islands are ours, but who gave us the right to claim them?" Not a single Filipino living there was arrested or deported by China, meaning those tiny Islands were there for the taking.

What proof do we have that those Islands are ours - nothing. Is it because it is closer to us than China? Why does England claim the Falkland Islands when it is laughably closer to Argentina than England - that might makes right. 

Why did Spain claim the Philippines as theirs in the not-so-distant past, and every Filipino an Indio (slave) - might make right. 

When the United Nations partitioned Palestine and gave half of it to the Jews (the Philippines voted for it), was it right or was it wrong. When the U.N. arbitration in the Hague declared the West Philippine Sea part of the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, was it right or was it wrong. China says...wrong! Is there anything we can do about it, it might make sense. When Trump said I could not punish the King of Saudi Arabia for the murder of Khashoggi because the king was buying from us billions worth of armaments, the world fell silent - again, might make right.

DU30 is probably the world's smartest foul-mouthed leader of our time. He knows how to play the game. It is better to be a friend of China than a war dog of the USA. 

Monday, February 25, 2019


The mind-bending mystery of the Qur’an is its hidden meaning that according to it…, it is intended for those who reflect, for those who ponder, and for those endowed with knowledge.  

Muslims believe many prophets existed, including those not mentioned in the Quran. The Quran states: "There is a Messenger for every community." The hadith reports that the Prophet Muhammad said that there were approximately 124,000 prophets and 313 messengers. 

At the outset, the 124,000 prophets and 313 messengers are exactly what it says, but oops, does it also mean to tell us that there are 124,000 religions spread among mankind and 313 non-religious beliefs?

When God said I created angels from light (visible energy) and the Jinn/spirits from smokeless fire (invisible-dark energy), we accepted it without even pondering how it could be possible. We accept the smokeless fire simply as fire without smoke. We are missing the real message because light and its nemesis are invisible. Of course, smokeless fire means fire you cannot see. It is only in very recent times that the science community discovered dark matter/dark energy, and scientists call it dark not because it is dark but because it is invisible. Do you think it is by accident that it perfectly fits the Qur’an’s smokeless fire (fire you cannot see)?


Eventually, the scientific community will undoubtedly acknowledge “dark energy” as anti-light, the forces of darkness accelerating the expansion of the universe. It is ripping the universe apart, as described in the Qur’an as “When the sky/heaven is rent asunder.”

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Did we Evolve from Monkey or Created out of Star Material?

Let the evidence speak for itself. Are we evolved from monkeys (Darwinian theory of evolution), or did we evolve from the stars (created by God)? The only evidence of evolutionists is a few fragments of a few million-year-old bones they assume to be the first man that is more monkey-like than human. They named the jaw bones "Lucy." The creationist's evidence is numerous, with various versions that cater not to the truth but to human folly. Like Idol worship, we create our truth and choose to believe it.

They removed me from the group “Neil deGrasse Tyson” (the more popular one) because, in the last few days, I stood for God against evolutionists and atheists who think that believers in God are morons, stupid, and fools. This was my last post that forced them to remove me, and all my group posts were automatically deleted.

The following is the truth I chose to believe, a truth I didn’t create but one I found on the road least traveled. 

The Garden of Eden is not earth. It is out there…the truth is out there. Adam and Company were earth settlers from the Gardens of Eden. They may have purposely killed off the Dinosaurs long before they decided to settle on Earth. Adam’s first wife, according to the Bible, was Lilith. Eve was the second wife. Adam’s children went out and found themselves wives, meaning there were other earth settlers.

If Adam and Company were from the Garden of Eden, they came from a perfect planet where people are immortals. Not the immortality of superheroes that we fantasize about in the movies, but immortality from diseases, meaning they can only die of unnatural causes. 

You could be thinking at this point…I am nuts! I am an MD and people naturally don’t live for hundreds of years. Even if you have perfect health, your body will be ravaged by time…not disease. Your body will succumb to the ravages of time given the nature of planet Earth, but aha, not in the Gardens of Eden. Adam lived for a thousand years, meaning he was immortal, and so were the prophets with immortal genes. Our genes eventually adapted to the nature of planet Earth. We ceased to be immortals. We die of both natural and unnatural causes. We lost our immortal genes.

The Qur’an version is very clear that the Garden of Eden is not on this planet. God spoke of Earth as a totally different place, as if banishing man to an Island in the vast ocean of space to serve a certain limited period of time.

1)    “...get you down” (from where...?)

2)    “...with enmity between yourselves.” (It would imply that Adam and Eve were not alone and would sync with the Bible. Eve was Adam’s second wife. The first wife was Lilith. The children of Adam went out and found themselves wives, meaning there were other Earth settlers.)

3)    “...Earth will be your dwelling place for a time” meaning they came from somewhere else. Earth was an alien planet.

4)    “...but from it you shall be taken out at last,” meaning humankind will abandon Earth at some point in time. Based on this verse, will I be wrong to assume that in case of earth’s destruction, humankind will be evacuated back to the gardens of Eden?


Qur’an 10:66 – “Behold! Verily to Allah belong all the creatures in the heavens and on Earth.”

          Qur’an 4:36 – “Then praise to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the Earth, Lord, and cherisher of all the Worlds.” (World is always plural everywhere in the Qur’an, meaning universes that would sync with the “MULTIVERSE” theory.)

          Qur’an 30:26 – “To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on Earth. All are devotedly obedient to Him.”

          Qur’an 48:4 – “For to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and on Earth.”

          Qur’an 19:93 – “Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to the most gracious as a servant.”

          Qur’an 13:15 – “Whatever beings there are in the heavens and on earth do prostrate themselves to Allah with goodwill or in spite of themselves so do their shadows in the morning and evening.” (As spirits, angels are generally accepted to have no shadows that would make this verse very significant as to the physical nature of those extraterrestrial creatures of the heavens)

          Qur’an 42:29 – “And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He scattered through them, and He has the power to gather them together when He wills.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Finally, we did the unthinkable – WE VOTED FOR MR RIGHT!

Here comes the election time. We chose the finest, the geniuses (Marcos/GMA), the orators, and the movie stars! We often wonder where we have gone wrong. We are sure of our votes…we elected the right people. Even the people we didn’t vote for are as good as the ones we voted for. Our country has not changed for the better. Corruption is still rampant, and the people are still as poor as rats. we try to hide them from view whenever foreign dignitaries come calling. We try to cover our shame.

Here comes election time. We chose to vote for the unrefined talker who spouts vindictive like I will kill you and feed you to the sharks in Manila Bay. He mocks the priesthood and calls their god stupid. He jokes about women, which invites the ire of women and human rights groups. Bringing back decency to the presidency became the rallying cry of his political opponents.

Finally, we did the unthinkable – WE VOTED FOR MR RIGHT!


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chicken Soup for the UNSINKABLE Soul – THE SERIES

July 26, 2019

It’s a Saturday. Nishreen can spend the day in bed. Her report card was…well, awesome! She is among the top two (2nd) in her class. Her mom…My wife and I drove to her school and signed up for her third-quarter report card.

My routine is about the same: early morning prayer, then as the light of day emerges from the dusk, facing towards the miniature forest, I set my small table in the middle of my small backyard. I love the scene, by the way…my writer’s haven.

With a cup of coffee…I watched the day come into view.

An hour later, I put down the book—it’s done. I finished “Dreams and the Unexplainable.” It’s one of the series of Chicken Soup for the Soul. I read so much about it in as many years, but the chicken soup didn’t appeal to me, so I ignored it. However, My eldest daughter talked about it as often as I did, but as I said…the title “Chicken Soup” didn’t appeal to me.

A week or two ago, I drove to BGC after work. Nishreen and a few of her classmates went there after school. She wanted me to come and pick her up but at no specific time. The driver's dad. I love it!

While she and her friends chatted and drank tea at Star Buck…I perused the books on displays. For some unexplained chance…I ended up picking up one of the books of the Chicken Soup series. The title, not The Chicken Soup, caught my attention; “Dreams and the Unexplainable,” and wow…I just finished reading the story of my life. Imagine 101 stories packed into a book and 101 stories squeezed into one – your story. I thought I would go back to Fully Booked and buy some more of the stuff, but then I remembered seeing some Chicken Soup (I hate that name, LOL) in Norayda’s room.  I can’t believe my eyes…Six (6) of them stood out on her bookshelves, and by the way, her room is empty, and I don’t mean bare because once or twice a month, her husband and son would come for a weekend from Cavite. It’s been more than a year since she left for the USA. It’s the reality of our lives that when you get old, and your children are all grownups, you are left to tend empty rooms, and as years drag on…you spend the last days in a haunted house. LOL!

Of the six books…I chose one to start with. More than 60 pages and several stories…I can’t put it down. If not for the allotted time I have set for myself…I would have finished it in one sitting. In my younger days…I read to the wee hours of the morning for a book of this kind.

If you think you are a spiritual person…I recommend that you read “Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul.”

It is the gift of technology that we no longer waste so much time writing down things. We simply snap photos of whatever catches our fancy, whether a book page, a photo of something, or the world that surrounds us.

…the publisher of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” is not paying me for this blog. I just need to write in prep for my next book.


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

PLANET AT THE BRINK – Earth’s underbelly is bursting with water

My deep well and all the wells in Maharlika Village (Taguig) are oozing big with water without electric pumps. After so many years of being dormant, it suddenly turned into geysers, meaning Earth’s underbelly bursts with water. Obviously, before we see the megatons of water dumped by melting ice in the sea, it will fill Earth’s ground reservoirs, underground chambers, caves, cisterns, and caverns. Our abandoned deep wells are the proof it’s happening right now. Don’t be surprised if flood waters don’t recede one of these days. Rainwater will have no place to go except the sea. If Greenland alone continues to melt, it will raise the sea levels by 7 meters (23 feet), and in my old age, I may live to see it happen – my deep well is the first sign.

I sent an email to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to explain this phenomenon, but it has most probably been ignored.


Sunday, January 6, 2019


I have been searching for this in my blog, thinking that I did blog it, but I couldn’t find it among my more than 700 blogs. I posted it on another website long before I became a blogger…old man!

Because of Marawi…this prayer is as relevant then (10 years ago) as it is now.

The Surfing The Apocalypse Network

Posted By: acson005
Date: Wednesday, 31 December 2008, 4:24 p.m.


Let us offer a little prayer…a prayer for peace is not much to ask…not too many words…a five-letter word for all the oppressed people of the world and millions languishing in squalid refugee camps, of which 90% are Muslims.

Maybe, for once, God will listen. We do not pray to punish the oppressors, the corrupt, and the corrupters…we pray that God shows them the light of PEACE.
Every year…we pray for love, a laughably overused word, but for love…I do not pray. I do not need my neighbor to love me to leave me in peace, nor do I need to love him to let him be in peace.

Regardless of how many times we say it…we share the pain of those in pain, the loss of those who lost a loved one…we can never feel their state of being unless we have been truly there. The macabre images we see on our television sets and internet video streams are theirs, not ours.

I am half a world apart from my family, and two of my children are scattered over the globe. I am not exuberant; maybe lonely, but I am not sad as well. The New Year of the Moslem’s Hijjra and Gregorian calendar are just three days apart, but in this country and in this village…, the New Year is just another day that passes without notice.

I have not been wronged…I am at peace with myself and the world around me. It is peace I know how to feel, and I wish I could share it with those people in Gaza, the rest of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the people of the World who have been wronged.

HAPPY NEW YEAR…we do not need but for PEACE…O God; we beseech Thee…LET THERE BE PEACE IN THE WORLD. 


(12:00 MN 1-1-2009 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Nosca Khalid