
Monday, October 29, 2012



Real amusing thoughts; let us be Moros and call the others Indios. Both were alien anyway but between the two; I’ll prefer to be a Moro. The Spaniards had a special if not funny way of name-calling their conquered people. Those they conquered easily as meek as a sheep on the way to the slaughter house; they call stupid ‘Indios.’ Filipinos are not the first Indios by the way in fact I think the root word is derived from the word “Indians” of South/Latin America. Before the marauding sailors of Europe stumbled upon what is later to become Philippine Archipelago; Europeans were already slaughtering the “Indios” of North and South America (New World). Except Portuguese Brazil; South America continue to speak Spanish in fact had Uncle Sam not bought Philippine from Spain; we will be speaking Spanish not English to this day. We were at one point in time called “Ectopic Latin Americans.” Manila and Mexico City were sister cities of the Spanish (Iberian) Empire.

Those that fought the Spanish Empire tooth and nail like the Muslims of North Africa (Moors of Morocco/Mauritania); they call Moors that was later shortened by Filipino Indios to Moros.
Since we are neither “Indios” (not Indians) of North and South American nor Moors (not Africans) of North Africa then what the hell are we? We are not even Filipinos (not Spanish) from the root word “Prince Philip” of Spain.

It is about time to not rediscover but discover our true identity and discard our enslaver’s barbarian skin that Filipino Indios (not Moros) so proudly display like a priceless heirloom.

an afterthought: 

…that the Spaniards should call us Moros and Indios is weird if not outright stupidly ignorant considering that we have absolutely no physical resemblance to neither the black Africans nor the Indians of the American continents but hey; Christopher Columbus is probably the greatest ignorant ass-hole in all of history calling the natives of the American continents Indians meaning he had not the slightest idea of India and its people that he was looking for. The difference is so wide apart; only a certified moron will make the mistake he did and for later historians to continue to adhere to an obvious misnomer boggles the mind. We know for instance that 6 of the supposed magic 19 that made 9/11 happens are alive and well; the story never changed. We would rather stick to tradition rather than see the light of truth. It’s insane.

Google Dictionary:
Indios plural
1.     A member of any of the indigenous peoples of America or eastern Asia in areas formerly subject to Spain or Portugal


Thursday, October 25, 2012

PARADISE LOST: Nancy and the Maranaw Children (photo exhibit)

PARADISE LOST: Nancy and the Maranaw Children (photo exhibit)

PHOTO EXHIBIT -1960-1970

Some fifty years ago and beyond, Lanao was a haven of peace. Life was good and so simple then, when the lyrics of songs and the mountains came alive (remember the Sound of Music?)., and poets wrote a tribute rhyme to peace, beauty, love, and friendship. It was a time when one could bask in the moonlight until the wee hours of the morning without fear of being molested, not even by a ghost. It was the calm before the storm…

Unsurprisingly, Nancy fell in love with what used to be Paradise Lost in the mist of time. I remember seeing Nancy for the first time in 1964. She came to deliver a one-time lecture to our 6th-grade class at Marawi Pilot Elementary School. I saw her again a few months later at MSU Preparatory High School orientation classes for incoming freshmen. She later became our English teacher and adviser. We became real friends; I mean really close like an adopted family that now spans half a century. She met every member of my clan, and my family treated her like no stranger.

We trekked the mountains, walked the streams, and paddled across lakes and rivers. We slept on dirty floors and hiked long distances for sheer adventures. She took me and the two other kids to Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, for a month-long vacation while she and other Peace Corps volunteers conducted seminars for teachers in Tawi-Tawi. She bought us a small boat (canoe-like) that we paddled around the water channel between Bongao and Sangha. Unfortunately, it was stolen barely a week after we bought it.

She volunteered twice in the US Peace Corps, and when she could no longer stay in the Organization, she applied to teach at Dansalan College, where she remained for several more years. As soon as she left in 1970, if I remember correctly, turbulent political storms hit the country that eventually led to the declaration of Martial Law in 1972. The Muslim provinces in the South of the Philippines were especially hard hit. Christians in Marawi City had to run for their lives many of whom were not only my classmates; they were our neighbors and childhood friends. Life was never the same again.

When she came for a visit last February 2012, more than forty years after she left, we could not even bring her to ‘Tamparan’ across the lake where she lived for a few years as a teacher. When my cousins brought her to Dansalan College during the 3 days she stayed in Marawi for a visit, they had to provide surreptitiously armed escorts. They were scared to death that armed gangs would snatch her for ransom, which has become the order of the day in the land that used to be a “haven of tranquility.”

She and her company stayed with my brother at MSU for 3 days and 3 days in Manila with my family. Although I have just returned to KSA after my leave, I just have to find a way to go back to Manila. It is one favor I have to do for myself. The 3 days she stayed were short, but it was enough to establish rapport with my family. I found it a real surprise that my children banded with her like she was no stranger, although I have not really told my children the history of our past :-)

Thanks to today’s fantastic tech, one of the priceless mementos she kept was more than 800 slides she took during those years that recorded in living colors Lanao, the truly lost paradise. She had all the slides digitalized and recorded on a CD/DVD that she gave to us during her visit. We have this family group on Facebook where we post pictures of our parents. The one missing was a photo of our grandmother that no one seems to have kept. Surprisingly, Nancy had taken two pictures of her :-)

Disclaimer: If you are in these photos and do not like your photo to appear in them, please drop a comment, and I will remove it. Some of those in these photos are no longer with us. If you have a relative who passed away and does not like his/her photo to be in it, please drop a note, likewise, and I will remove it.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Wow! What’s this on Mars: a nut/seed or a critter?

Wow! What is this…? Either 1) a “nut” (fruit) 2) a seed or 3) an insect but I will go for a fruit of some kind. The broken edge resembles the appearance and texture of a nut or a seed and since there are no visible plants in the near vicinity of Curiosity’s landing site; it must have been carried by flowing water. This is a tiny scoop and if you imagine the size of planet Mars; you get the staggering huge picture. It is like your big toe stepping on a peanut on planet earth meaning the planet is swarming with life.

The sand and gravel is not dry; it appears damp and moist.

Yum! Curiosity Rover Swallows 1st Mars Sample, Finds Odd Bright Stuff
by Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Date: 18 October 2012 Time: 03:06 PM ET

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has swallowed its first tiny bite of Martian soil, after standing down for a spell while scientists checked out some strange bright bits in the dirt.


Work at Rocknest slowed after Curiosity dug its second scoop on Oct. 12, when researchers noticedoddly bright flecks at the bottom of the hole. The team dumped the scoop out, worried that it might contain debris that had flaked off Curiosity.

They already knew that some tiny rover pieces are littering the Martian ground, after spotting a bright shred of what appears to be plastic on Oct. 7. Team members have since identified five or six other such bits, which may have fallen off Curiosity's sky-crane descent stage during landing on Aug. 5.

"We went super-paranoid," Grotzinger told reporters today. The team determined that "if this stuff is man-made, we better make sure that we're not taking any of it in."

So Curiosity moved to a slightly different location, and then took lots of pictures to make sure that the surface was pristine before making scoop number three. If any bright flecks are indeed present in the sample, they're naturally occurring, the mission team reasons, since any rover pieces would be restricted to the surface.

All that being said, Curiosity scientists now believe the bright soil flecks are indeed indigenous to Mars. They could be minerals that are part of the soil-forming process, Grotzinger said, or reflective surfaces created by the cleaving of ordinary dirt.

The team aims to fire its mineral-identifying laser, which is part of Curiosity's ChemCam instrument, at some of the pieces in the next few days to get a better idea of what they actually are.

Please read full article:

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

9/11 mastermind delivers anti-US diatribe at Guantanamo...

This guy was tortured and water boarded 183 times for several years under the CIA because the government cannot risk putting him on trial unless he admitted all the crimes that the government attributes to him meaning he is the fall guy that will save USA from all the lies of 9/11. The (military) judge will put the accused on trial only on one condition; their lawyers will not mention anything that has to do with their torture meaning their torture never happened as far as the military judge is concerned. He allegedly admitted (under torture of course) that he was the mastermind not only of 9/11 but of the first attempt to bring down the twin towers in 1993 where 6 people died. He also allegedly admitted to have beheaded Daniel Pearl; the American journalist in 2002

I think; he would have admitted if they have asked him if he was the guy crawling at the knoll that fired the fatal shot the killed JFK. It would have solved the JFK assassination and all the unsolved murder mysteries of the world including the “Jack the Ripper.” Maybe he was Jack the Ripper in another place in time :-)

9/11 mastermind delivers anti-US diatribe at Guantanamo
By Chantal Valery 
Wearing a military-style vest, self-declared 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed delivered a scathing anti-American diatribe at a military tribunal in what the judge called a "one-time occurrence."
The US president "can legislate assassinations under the name of national security for American citizens," the Kuwaiti-born Pakistani said during the third day of a pre-trial hearing at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sheikh Mohammed was detained in a secret CIA prison from 2002 to 2006, and the government has acknowledged that he was subjected to waterboarding 183 times.
"Every dictator can choose" his definition of national security, he said.
"With this definition, many can invade the rule and go against it, many can kill people under the name of national security, many can torture people under the name of national security and detain children under the name of national security, under-aged children."

 Please read full article:

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Iraq Buys Russian Weapons | Veterans Today

USA must stop dreaming or to rephrase it better; USA must stop lying to the American people: USA won the Iraq war for Iran; another paradox in our time. USA did have actually enough time to rethink its policies in Iraq from 1991 (Gulf War I) to 2003 (full invasion). I found it mindboggling bizarre how in that length of time; nobody advised the neo-con evil geniuses that removing Saddam would put in power the majority Shiite (Shi’a) that will be pro-Iran come-what-may. USA can expect whether they like it or not that these new weapons Iraq is buying from Russia can end up in Iran shall there be a war versus Iran.

Iraq Buys Russian Weapons
$4.2 Billion Worth Just Before American Election

(San Francisco) The Premier of Iraq journeyed many miles to the United States’s enemy, Russia, to sign on the dotted line for Russian weapons worth US$4.2 Billion Dollars, the Russian news agency RIA NOVOSTI released October 9, 2012 in Moscow.

RIA Novosti reports “MOSCOW, October 9 – Russia will deliver attack helicopters and mobile air-defense systems to Iraq in arms deals worth $4.2 billion signed earlier this year, it was disclosed today during a visit to Moscow by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in which he met his counterpart Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

USA's unconditional support to Israel's "PREVENTIVE WAR" vs IRAN

Huh; warmongers through a complicit media is twisting American’s intelligence and sense of focus. The beast Netanyahu’s attack on Iran is being rephrased by its war dogs in the USA senate as “PREVENTIVE” war. A law is being prepared by Israel’s war dogs in the US senate that will declare USA’s unconditional support to Bibi/infantile Netanyahu shall he decide whimsically that it’s time to go to “preventive war” versus Iran. When does going to war become “war prevention” but hey; “war is peace” has always been US politician’s paradoxical logic to justify its war adventures.  The only way to prevent war is by not going to war; stupid. You don’t prevent crushing to your death by jumping from the top of the empire state Building!

New Senate Push to Pledge Unconditional Support for Israeli "Preventive" War on Iran 

By Jamal Abdi 

October 13, 2012 "
Information Clearing House" - -  Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is planning to press the Senate next month to pledge U.S. troops, money, and political support to Israel should Bibi Netanyahu launch a preventive war on Iran.


Graham's mendacity on Iran policy should by now be notorious. His most recent victory was to convince Congress to endorse Netanayhu's redline for war with Iran instead of the redline laid out by the president. The trick was that, in pushing that measure, Graham disingenuously claimed that Obama's redline was nuclear weapons "capability." And Congress bought it. In reality, the president very clearly rejected that redline and said the U.S redline was to prevent Iran from actually getting the bomb, not getting an amorphous "capability."

But Graham (and Bibi) won the battle on the Hill. Both the House and the Senate voted to endorse Netanyahu's redline, not Obama's. To be fair, many in the House and Senate who supported the resolution still have no idea that there is a difference. They read the talking points circulated by Graham and AIPAC (the measure's chief advocates), and to this day think they were simply voting to endorse what Obama had already said.

Please read full article:

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

ISLAM: ARMAGEDDON’S common denominator…

ISLAM: ARMAGEDDON’S common denominator…

It’s bizarre; it’s absurd… Has humankind become depleted with peacemakers, and is the Nobel committee forced to give Nobel Peace prizes to warmongering beasts in the active process of dragging the world to WARS OF ARMAGEDDON? Read the news; you get the feeling that the war of Armageddon is about to commence, and if you try to look back a little bit…you find yourself where it has all begun.

The war of Armageddon (Clash of Civilizations/West vs. Islam) is not about to begin; we are right in the Middle of it: the battle for Palestine (1947 to date), the Balkan war (1994-1999/slaughter of Muslims in Serbia), the Iran-Iraq War (1979-1988), USSR’s Invasion of Afghanistan (1979), the battle for Babylon [Iraq] (1991 to date is USA’s longest war not Afghanistan), USA’s 9/11, USA/NATO invasion of Afghanistan (2001 to date), USA/NATO re-invasion of Iraq (2003 to date/final battle for Babylon), the Arab spring (2010 to date), the USA/NATO bombing of Libya (2011 to date/murder of Khaddaffy), USA/KSA/Qatar war in Syria (2011 to date) and…the coming Israel/USA/NATO war with Iran :-(

Note: I didn’t mention Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Mali, Lebanon, India/Kashmir, and the breakup of the USSSR that gave birth to Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Mind-boggling Common denominator: ISLAM

‘Obama lurching toward nuclear war by threatening Iran.’

Irresponsible leaders risk the unthinkable. Media scoundrels cheerlead mindlessly. So do neocon think tanks. Ordinary people are more concerned about mundane trivia than survival.


World War II weapons were toys compared to today's. Before the war ended, tens of millions died. Estimates range from 50 - 70 million. No one knows for sure. Preventing war would have saved them. Hoped for never again became perpetual conflicts. 

Obama replicates hard-line neocon extremism. He did what supporters thought impossible. He surpassed the worst of Bush. Imagine what you'll do in a second term. He's risking the unthinkable. He's lurching toward potential nuclear war. He's mindless about likely consequences.

Only America [has] used nuclear weapons. It's not working to avoid potential catastrophe. It wants advantageous geopolitical positioning and dominance. Mutually assured destruction so far worked. Fail-safe days may be ending. 

Netanyahu/Barak need one more on their side. How all cabinet members feel is necessary. Six want war. Another six don't, and two remain undecided. Decisions about this grave should be a no-brainer. Mindless officials risk possible Armageddon Haaretz spelled out as follows: 

Though unlikely, if Israel goes it alone, Washington will be "furious. The price of oil soars. Thousands of missiles strike Tel Aviv, Haifa, Dimona and other Israeli cities. The economy collapses." 

"Hundreds are killed, thousands wounded. A mass flight of Israelis abroad. Tent cities. In this scenario, a senior figure in the ruling party said this week that Netanyahu will certainly lose the next election. Not even avowed Likudniks will vote Likud."

Does Netanyahu know the risks? "Of course," said a senior unnamed source. "He is not stupid." He just acts that way. "He sees the whole picture and all its parts." 


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BANGSAMORO: a sigh of relief but no real reason to be euphoric

BANGSAMORO: a sigh of relief but no real reason to be euphoric

The goal of the movement must have been lost in the mist of time because after reading the framework, some call it a road-map to peace; I realize that this is a win for the government and little for the movement but on the whole; it is a win-win for all. We have finally brought sensible people to negotiate in the real world; not bargain in the realms of dreams.

I am afraid though that when the euphoria have finally settle down; those who fought so long and hard may find themselves sidelined by the same political system they fought so hard to reform if not replace completely but then; there is really no alternative. This is the best they can squeeze from the government who have likewise given away as much as it can. There is no Utopian alternative to what the two sides have agreed to ink with their names for posterity.

Those who fought long and hard will have to become astute politicians to survive in a parliament where members are elected and whose majority block then chooses a ‘prime minister’ and a figure-head ‘president’ as the case maybe. The “Brotherhood” (Al Ikhwanun) of Egypt won a majority in parliament because despite Hosni Mubarak; they remained a political force to reckon with so that when Mubarak and his men fell; they are the ones that remain standing in the middle of the storm that swept Egypt’s political landscape.

MILF’s inexperience in the real world of politics is a plus for the MNLF whose experience in the field far outweighs the MILF (my opinion). Unless the MILF and the MNLF join political forces; they will be overwhelmed by the same political “trapos” that in the end with their money and well grounded political roots and tentacles will lord it over in the parliament.

With charter change still a burning issue in congress; the BANGSAMORO federalized system of government will prove to be an experiment that will determine the future of the Philippine’s upcoming CHA-CHA. If it works well; people may vote in a plebiscite for charter change that will make P-Noy the last president in the present scheme of things.


Monday, October 8, 2012

US mom ‘overly drunk’ when slaying her 4 children...

Investigators now blame the alcohol. Obviously; she drank because she cannot execute her demonic intentions while sober. She drowned in the alcohol whatever humanity is left in her that allowed the demon to dominate over her. It is sick absolutely sickening for anyone to slaughter her own children. Thanks be to the Almighty for choosing among so many; the Muslims for alcohol prohibition. Shall you have any doubt Muslims are the chosen people of God; read the staggering statistics on Alcohol intoxication.

US mom ‘overly drunk’ when slaying her 4 children, autopsy shows

Autopsy returns show that a single mother, who shot and killed her four children and then herself with more than a dozen gunshots in Port St. John, Florida back in May, was overly drunk while carrying out the heartrending killings.

On May 15, 33-year-old Tonya Thomas fired a revolver 19 times, killing her children, one a 12-year-old and the three others all teenagers, reloading the firearm three times in the process, British tabloid newspaper Daily Mail reported on Sunday. 

Forensic evidence showed that her blood-alcohol level at the time of death stood at 0.16 percent. 

Full article:

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Saturday, October 6, 2012


If I tell you that I traveled 22 years back in time and took these snapshots; you will think that I am nuts. Look at these photos and tell me that I am. These snapshot were taken on October 5, 2012. I assure you that none of these photos ever existed before October 5 neither as still photos, undeveloped films nor slides.
As technology evolves; our personalities adopts. We change with technology. 25 years ago; I remember pleasantly smiling while reading some futuristic science predictions.

One day; you will be able to put a satellite dish on your rooftops that will give you access to hundreds of television program. The prospect of surfing hundreds of channel was at the time a trip to fantasyland. Last night; I reset the list of my favorite satellite channels. I surfed through 955 channels of Nilesat :-)

One day; television screens will be flat and so thin you can hang it on the wall like a picture frame. The images it created in my mind brought giggles to my face. There was one however those technology prophets didn’t see that truly changed our lives. With flat television technology: laptops and mobile computer phones were born; innovations that truly transformed the way we live in the world.

Did you know that flat television was accidentally discovered by one not involved in the research project? Because of the accidental discovery; they did in 3 years what they projected to do in 15 years :-)


Thursday, October 4, 2012

US court orders Iran, others to pay $6 billion for 9/11

This is what happens when a great nation ceases to be great and chooses instead to be a joke. Even Americans; a great people ruled by despicable men will be hilariously laughing at this court judgment so out of sync with reality; ordinary people will think of this judge as insane. The 9/11 TRUTHERS should impeach this judge for making a mockery of the justice system. If this is American justice then o’ boy; the world tethering under this beastly empire is in real trouble. God! Have mercy on us…let humankind be free of this beast.

US court orders Iran, others to pay $6 billion for 9/11
AFP – 11 hours ago
NEW YORK: A US judge formally ordered Iran, al Qaeda and several other defendants Wednesday to pay $6 billion compensation to the victims of September 11, 2001, in a largely symbolic ruling.

Although Iran denies any connection to 9/11, it was included in the list of alleged culprits by the US District Court in New York, along with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Afghanistan’s Taliban guerrillas and al Qaeda, which took credit for the massive terror attack.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is also named.
However, the money, awarded for economic, personal and punitive damages for a total of $6,048,513,805, is unlikely to be recovered.

Full article:

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Look closely; it looks like it was flooded yesterday. If it had been flooded millions of years ago; the protruding cement-like blocks would be covered with dust after millions of years but it looks fresh and dust free. The pebbles on the ground floor are covered with what appears to be a thin mud carried by murky flood water that settled down and dried. Similarly; the pebbles would have been at least half buried with dust if it has been millions of years since it was carried by onrushing stream water. My conclusion is; water flowed on Mars in very recent times…


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In 10 years, there will be no more Israel: Kissinger

I think it is wrong to ignore the veiled agenda of Kissinger’s pronouncement; do something now (urgent call for war) or Israel will cease to exist in 10 years. Many misread the mind of the Nobel Laureate but he could be telling ISRAEL’S WAR DOGS to move your asses before it’s too late.  

In 10 years, there will be no more Israel: Kissinger

The idea of Israel’s inexorable collapse is no longer a taboo as more top brass US officials are explicitly attesting to the fact, with prominent US diplomat Henry Kissinger saying, “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

“Kissinger's statement is flat and unqualified. He is not saying that Israel is in danger, but could be saved if we just gave it additional trillions of dollars and smashed enough of its enemies with our military.… He is not offering a way out. He is simply stating a fact: In 2022, Israel will no longer exist,” political columnist Kevin Barrett wrote in an article published on Press TV website on Sunday. 


American politicians and political activists “are growing fed-up with Israeli intransigence and fanaticism.” 

· Americans feel “festering resentment over the Israel lobby's imperious domination of public discourse.” 

· “The American Jewish community is no longer united in support of Israel.” 

· It is becoming a common knowledge that Israel and its supporters carried out the 9/11 false-flag attacks. 


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Khaddaffy’s murder is Assad’s savior: FRENCH ASSASSIN KILLED KHADDAFFY

It is no secret that the bombing of Libya was spearheaded by France that kept many people wondering the big why. Why the French overzealous enthusiasm for war unless it was meant to gain votes at the then upcoming French elections. Obviously; it has backfired because murderer Zarckozy lost the election. There was also the almost unbelievable rumor that Khadaffy financed Zarcko’s run for the presidency in 2007. The only way to end the rumor and burry the truth was to kill the direct source; kill Khaddaffy. Dead men tell no tales. French bombers were directly responsible for the strapping and bombing of Khaddaffy’s escape/getaway convoy that resulted into his capture/torture and murder. Ironically; Khadaffy’s downfall and murder have shielded Assad from meeting the same fate in Syria. NATO led by France’s overzealous for war in Libya has prevented similar “No-Fly-Zone” resolution from getting through the U.N. Security Council. Russia and China not wanting a repeat of western “deceptive no-fly-zone” in Libya have vetoed similar resolutions. Khaddaffy’s murder is Assad’s savior…

Like many American non-Jew Zionist; Zarckozy is a Zionist lover. His son is a Jewish convert married to a Jew. 

French secret agent killed Gaddafi on Sarkozy’s order: Report

Quoting Libyan sources, the paper said the secret agent killed Gaddafi on orders of Sarkozy in order to stop the Libyan ruler from revealing his suspicious links with him if interrogated.

Following NATO airstrikes on Libya, Gaddafi had openly threatened to reveal details of his relationship with the former French president. 

Sarkozy, who once welcomed Gaddafi as a 'brother leader' during a state visit to Paris, was said to have received 50 million euros from the Libyan despot to fund his election campaign in 2007. 

Meanwhile, Italian paper Corriere della Serra also reported that Libyan sources said a foreign assassin with French nationality was behind the killing. 

Full article:

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Professor Obama Lectures the Muslim World  

Professor Obama lectures the Muslim world…

If only he practices what he preaches; planet earth will be a better place…

Contradictions and Hypocrisy
Professor Obama Lectures the Muslim World

By Esam Al-Amin

September 30, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -   On Sept. 25, Professor-turned President Barack Obama lectured the Muslim World and world leaders during his annual address before the United Nations.

The beautifully crafted speech of the Nobel peace laureate would have been believed – and better received—had it simply been genuine. The president’s appeal for rejecting violence, spreading peace among nations, while emphasizing the vital use of diplomacy in international relations, as well as his call for respecting the rule of law, due process, and cultural understanding were remarkable. But unfortunately, they were simply not credible.


In his seminal work “A Century of U.S. Interventions,” based on the Congressional Records and the Library of Congress’ Congressional Research Services, Zoltan Grossman chronicled 133 U.S. military interventions by the most active military in the history of the world, between 1890 and 2001. Similarly, William Blum’s study “A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower,” covered 67 interventions between 1945 and 2000 that, according to him, resulted in the deaths of 13-17 million people. In his book “The Fall of the U.S. Empire – And Then What?,” European intellectual Johan Galtung listed 161 incidents of American overt political violence between 1945 and 2001, including 67 military interventions, 25 bombings, 35 political assassinations (or attempted ones), 11 foreign countries that were assisted with torture, and 23 interferences with elections or the political process abroad. And all that was before the 9/11 attacks.

Since then, the U.S. military has been extremely busy, invading Iraq in 2003 under false pretenses and causing hundreds of thousands of casualties while creating millions of refugees. Before that, it invaded Afghanistan in 2001, causing tens of thousands of casualties in the longest war in U.S. history while still maintaining to this date over 70,000 soldiers on the ground. The U.S. has also been waging open warfare with the whole world as its theater of operations in the so-called “war on terror.” This endless war allowed the U.S. military to engage in undeclared military operations, violating the sovereignty of many countries in Asia and Africa including Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti, and numerous Sub-Saharan and West African countries. So much for peaceful conflict resolution and mutual respect between nations.

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