Monday, January 6, 2020

WAR OR PEACE - senate must impeach TRUMP

There can be no World War 3 in the present conflict. USA will not go to another expensive war in the Middle East even if it has to abandon Baghdad the way it abandoned Saigon.

If USA’s war dogs (ISIS and other terror groups) failed to unseat Assad of Syria, how does it expect to win a war against Iran?

The endless war in Iraq and Syria is a proxy war between USA and Iran and it looks like…USA is losing the proxy war in all fronts. If Trump expect to win reelection by going to war, he is stupendously wrong unless the American People are stupendously stupid. One way to appease the mullahs in Iran is for the senate to impeach Trump. Pelosi should now go to the senate for the impeachment trial. It will determine WAR or PEACE.

Removing Trump from office can extinguish the flame of anger that is raging in Iran, Iraq and Syria and the world can have a sigh of relief.