Sunday, July 23, 2017


Regardless of how we technologically advance in leaps and bounds…mysteries beyond our comprehension still abounds.

For months, I heard rumors that our clinic’s manager aside from recruiting nurses to fill the gap in our staffing is also bringing another GP doctor from Egypt. I didn’t believe the doctor thing because there is no need for it. Our clinic is small and with half of the town having left for a safer place to escape the errant bombs from across the border with Yemen; the number of patients have been markedly reduced.

I and the other Egyptian GP are ably enough to manage a 16 hours shifting duty from 8:00 am to 12 midnight. Although our clinic’s manager/owner have told the Egyptian GP that another doctor is coming; he did not tell me. He would have told me if it was true so I took it for a joke which he often does but the other doctor is very worried. It means that one of us will have to go and since I have no issue with the manager and with everyone else in the clinic…he was afraid; it could be him.  He kept asking if the manager have told me or if he called me to his office or talked with me about it but I assured him that he didn’t. Several times; he asked me if I could come with him and talk with the manager but I refused knowing it to be untrue.

Two weeks ago and while crossing the street near our clinic; a boy driving a GMC hit him. The hospital is a minute drive from our clinic. He had multiple fractures (5 fractures in his legs and arms). He had 4 surgeries ever since and he is recovering well. I heard that his wife is coming anytime now and when he is well enough to travel; they will go home to Egypt.

I usually do a 16 hours duty whenever the Pediatrician or the other GP went for a leave but with the ravages of time…I find the burden harder and harder to bear.

“The new doctor arrived today,” one of the nurses retorted as we crossed path in the hallway.
I said, “What?” it was the 3rd day of the accident meaning I have been on duty 16 hours a day for the last 3 days.

“He will start his duty tomorrow. You can relax,” she said with a smile.

I wanted to jump and dance…!