Thursday, June 18, 2015

ASTRAL PROJECTION and Quantum Entanglement

Note: If you are a natural dreamer then you understand “Astral Projection” but if not; you may not understand what I am trying to convey.

I have in each of the last 4 days watched an episode of the NOVA’s “Fabrics of the Cosmos” on YouTube. I watched the 3rd episode twice because I believe that quantum entanglement is the “Science’s Key to understanding Astral Projection.”

Many Physicists/cosmologists believe that you can entangle two atoms/molecules/particles at extreme distances even between planets and galaxies – really?

Imagine this: dark matter is so tiny that because we cannot see it does not mean that it is not there. Imagine it as sub-sub-subatomic particle and imagine it as able to entangle with any dark matter anywhere it chooses in the universe. If my dark matter (astral self) that you may call the force or spirit can entangle with 85% of the universe; I will be able to astral project anywhere in the universe at the blink of an eye?

Our astral selves may just be one of the many “exotic sub-sub-subatomic particles” of space that cosmologists refers to as dark matter so tiny that it is beyond the capabilities of available instruments to observe although it makes up 85% of the universe.

Imagine my astral body being a sub-sub-subatomic particle (dark matter) so small no known scientific tool can see it but is able to cast a “holographic image” of me commonly known as “apparitions and ghostly images” that scientists ignore because they can’t put one in a cage of glass for all to see and yet they believe in my “dark me” that they cannot see nor measure. Some scientists are seriously mulling the possibility that the entire universe – you, me and every Dick, Mary and Harry in the universe are nothing more than holograms from a 2 dimensional projector.

If you can create a machine that can entangle one particle to another in another Island without traversing the space in between; why not a machine that can entangle my dark force (astral self) to a predetermined location anywhere in our solar system?  There is nothing sinister about being called dark. The science community gave it such name because they are in the dark as to what it is that comprises 85% of the universe that is so massive and yet so invisibly small – individually.

Millions of the denizens of earth (10% of earthlings) astral project every night to space and time – it boggles the mind why science ignores a mysterious but mundane reality that can unlock the secrets of the universe?

THE CATCH: what if we all become aware of our astral selves and project to space and time as we please. If we all can project to the future for real…THE BIBLE’S BOOK OF REVELATION IS A GLARING EXAMPLE; we will be able alter the future…?

Last night; I had a dream which is the reason I am writing this on my blog.

There was a mass of smoke; a dark smoke that slowly dissipated and when it did – wrap in it was a huge closed van. When I opened the back; the entire van was full of pure white rice ready to be served mixed with chicken meats. I put some on a plate…

There must be something in dark matter that is not merely the fancy of my dreams…pure white. 

Please watch: 6 minutes edited clip from the original 49 minutes documentary "Fabrics of the Cosmos -3"