Sunday, May 17, 2015



When the truth becomes a joke…

The statistics…since it did not include Muslims in Asia is meant to scare Europe and USA alone. If it had included Africa and Asia…the larger picture of Muslims would have been more terrifyingly scary to not only to what we usually refer to as the west (whatever that is) but the world as a whole.

What the video makers are trying to tell the west is…GO! PROCREATE…MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. Do it the Muslim way…LOL!

Saturday, May 16, 2015


If there is one place to find beautiful GIFs; it’s g+ because Google among many giant tech companies enables its websites including g-mail to see pictures in live GIF format. You can g-mail a GIF to a friend and receive it live. It is how I copy/download a gif to my disc by simply sharing it to my g-mail.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My Prayer Carpet: a print of my “CHAKRAS” (ENERGY POINTS)

For as long as I can remember; there has always been discoloration at the back of my prayer carpet. Although I vacuum the carpet in my room every week; I always thought of it as collective dirt that clings to it from the carpeted floor. I ignored it and once in a blue moon; I would wash it in the washing machine. Few days ago; I noted what I always thought as dirt had thickened and widespread that maybe it’s time to wash it then I noticed - there was something wrong, very wrong at my assumption that it was some dirt. I started telling myself; there should be more dirt where pressure points are greater but wow – the pressure points are clean.

In the picture above – the pressure points are where I stand in prayer and where my knees bear my weight in prostration. Have you noticed any dirt…? None!

When a Muslim is in prostration during prayer; it is the knees and feet that bear more most of the body’ weight with the hand, forehead and the tip of the nose subtly touching the ground.

Suddenly; I realized with glee – a real excitement that my Chakras or “subtle energy points” made an impression that is more recognizable at the back of my carpet. I made few clicks to learn more from the net and Google imaged “Chakras.”

I went to our prayer room (small mosque) in the clinic and checked the prayer carpets for similar impressions but there was not a trace in any of the carpets. It probably means that I am more meditative in prayer than most.

The wisdom of our self is revealed within the chakras of our soul.

Please check the back of your prayer carpets at home specially the ones you often use…

The kundalini is a feminine energy often described as an ‘inner goddess’ or ‘mother energy’. Her ascent from the sacrum, through the chakras located in the spinal cord, is the process of self-realisation. When the kundalini arrives in the crown chakra (sahasrara) the seeker experiences the complete transformation of awareness. One is taken beyond the limits of the human mind into the mystical states of meditation described by sufis and yogis alike.


The seventh heaven or chakra is the ‘Crown Chakra’ also termed Sahasrara. Yogis have described it as the most important of all the chakras for it represents the ultimate level of mystic awareness.
Chakras (Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning") are 7 “subtle” energy points in the body, where the spirit and the physical converge. According to medical intuitive and author, Caroline Myss, who described chakras in her work Anatomy of the Spirit (1996), "Every thought and experience you've ever had in your life gets filtered through these chakra databases. Each event is recorded into your cells...” in effect your biography becomes your biology.

Everything is energy. The things we see are the high density. The things we don't see are less dense. The things we don't see can be viewed through Third eye. Third eye is the term given to the eyes of the etheric body. Whatever term we give to it, It’s all about vibrations and energy.

Chakras are said to be whirling pools of energy in our body according to Hinduism/Buddhism. It is said that these chakras can be open, closed or overactive, and depending on their status, they could affect people in different ways.

Such energy points exist in one's etheric body. Tibetans say these are 7, sufis of Islam say, these are 9, some say, there are 11. These energy points oscillate/vibrate when we take our conscious to the same rate of vibration as of an energy point. When we do, we enter into a completely different dimension.