That tyrant king is my ‘HERO’
have recently started calling Western media terrorists of the coward kind because they hide behind the veil of press freedom. The Western media is always full of unkind words for the departed whenever a king of Saudi Arabia passes away. The king is an oppressive tyrant, they opined, because he allows the cutting of
the head and doesn't allow women to drive. Decapitation is a more humane punishment for heinous crimes compared to hanging, firing squad, lethal injection, and electrocution in the USA. It is comparatively more preventive for crimes.
That Saudi Arabia is an oasis of peace in a troubled world
is no myth, for where can you find a place on earth where you can park your car 24/7 on the roadside and dose off if you are tired without fear of being mugged, robbed, or murdered? Murder is so rare that if it happens, people will
talk about it for years. 95% of trauma cases you see in the emergency rooms are
vehicular accidents – no shooting, no hacking, no stabbing, no beating, and no
drunken brawls that you see 24/7 in other country’s clinics and hospitals. When
it happens, 5% of the time, the whole town talks about it for days and weeks.
Like a magic wand, that tyrant king transformed shepherd’s
mud and stone houses into sprawling multi-storied mansions. He built beautiful
cities and roads through the deserts and mountains that are the envy of the
modern world. Although citizens don’t pay taxes, they are provided with absolutely free education and medical care? The more children you have, the
better. If these are the perks that go with a tyrant king, I want that tyrant to be the president of the Philippines.
That the king is a tyrant because there is no religious
freedom in KSA is laughable at best. Tell me just one, not many, just one
Christian country that has brought as many Muslims to their country to work as
Saudi Arabia did to Christians and other non-Muslims. These people practice
their beliefs in the comfort of their rented homes and quarters. These are negligible exceptions if you read some in the papers of undesirable incidents.
Terrorists in Western media are so depleted with issues to
attack Saudi Arabia with ( their veiled attack on Islam) that they have taken
women’s right to drive as a flagship issue that keeps me wondering; do these
people know what they are talking about? If I drive in Saudi Arabia’s sprawling
superhighways among driving veiled women, I will be scared out of my
wit…stupid. The day you allow veiled women in Abayas to drive will be the day I
give up driving in Saudi Arabia – for my own safety. (Note: women now drive in Saudi Arabia without the veil, something I never thought I would live to see happen.)
When the multi-billion dollar reconstruction of Makkah is completed in 2020, that tyrant king will have built the most modern, sophisticated city on the planet. The Qur’an referred to it as the mother of cities, and the Christian Bible aptly described it in detail as the New Jerusalem—believe it or not.