
Thursday, July 31, 2014

WARNING: bomb scene that will make you sick…

Ambulances were hit by second bomb as they moved in to respond to the first bomb casualties. A member of the press even as he was down kept the camera rolling – one minute video. Warning: graphic bomb scene that will make you sick.

No American – not a single US citizen can claim innocence in the slaughter of men, women and children in Gaza. Obviously; Israel is running out of ammunition so it is asking USA to resupply its arsenal with more weapons of mass destruction that shatter the bodies of mothers and babies. USA is likewise sending more money aside from ammunition. Actually; USA does not even have to send the needed arsenal because it has already stored in Israel weapons of all grades worth a billion dollars for Israel’s use. All Israel has to do is to ask and USA says – go ahead my son; my beloved partner in crime. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

MOROLAND: Gunboats on Lake Lanao (1899-1920)

The narrative is so vividly descriptive – it is like being
transported in time. Some of the people in the photos could be my great-great
grandparents or yours – absolutely possible! It will take you maybe 10 minutes
to read, so please click the webpage address. Real fascinating history: from the
time the Spaniards built a settlement in Lanao and withdrew for safety reasons –
it took another 250 years before they returned for more permanent settlements
and sailed the lake with gunboats they virtually dragged to the Lanao heights
in pieces. Amusing thoughts – how did they do it?




A little to the west of the center of Mindanao lies Lake
Lanao, filling the crater of a vast, extinct volcano at an elevation of 2,300
feet above sea level.

It is the second-largest body of fresh water in the
Philippines and its only outlet is the Agus River, which breaks through the north
wall of the crater just east of Camp Keithley. Twenty miles away, the south wall
of the crater rises 800 to 1,000 feet almost sheer out of the lake, while the
eastern shore is flat, with alluvial soil brought down by the many streams flowing
in from the eastward. Except at some places on this east shore, boats drawing 4
to 6 feet can go close inshore almost anywhere. Some experimental soundings in
the center of the lake found no bottom at 1,000 feet. The wind is always tricky
and violent at times, over waters surrounded by mountains, and in this respect
Lake Lanao is no exception to the rule. The rainfall runs from 60 to 80 inches
a year, mostly in violent tropical showers, and formidable waterspouts are not
uncommon. The lake natives handle their vintas well under sail, oar, or paddle
and do most of their traveling by water, but it is noteworthy that their boats
are rarely found more than a mile or two from shore.

As a rule, they prefer to go around rather than across the

The Lanao Moros have always been considered to be the
wildest and most intractable of the Moro tribes. Their number is 1639 when the
Spaniards first reached the lake is not known, but there were settlements all
around its shores. At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth
centuries, estimates by the Spaniards and Americans agree on a figure of about
15,000 living within 5 miles of the lake's shores. There are no towns; each
chief and man of any importance has a cotta or fort built of earth or rock
with bamboo, rattan vines, and even trees growing in the walls, and in this
cotta, there are one or several houses of bamboo and thatch for the man, his
wives and his retinue.

The heavy armament of these cottas is usually several
"lantakas" which are brass or bronze muzzle-loaders of from 1- to 3-inch
caliber, loaded with nails, scraps of metal, or even stones. Many of these guns
are genuine antiques, having originally come from Spanish and other ships of
the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries as piratical loot or
salvage from wrecks. Small arms of every variety and age are widely scattered
among the Moros and the twisted kris (dagger) and broad-bladed kampilan are
their hand-to-hand weapons. They are good fighters, particularly on the defensive
from within their cottas, and they have the savage's usual respect for force, so
that, when once overcome, they accept the situation and make no more trouble
until the control over them weakens.

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Regardless of how often you read the Bible, the fact will not change that the promise was made and has not been revoked. The big question is whether the Jewish prophets and the Zionists of our time are justified in their claim to the PROMISED LAND or whether Isaac’s generations were even included in the promise.  Their being descendants of Prophet Abraham (a.s.) gives them neither the special right nor the sole right to the Promised Land. They have no right to remove Ishmael’s descendants, who are not only the rightful heirs but have also been living in the so-called Promised Land since the dawn of time.

Genesis 17:1: “I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you, and I will be their God.”

Genesis 17:10: “This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you; the covenant you are to keep: every male among you shall be circumcised: you are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.”

Genesis 17:24: “Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised, and his son Ishmael was 13. Abraham and his son were both circumcised on that same day.”

QUESTION: Where is Isaac, the forefather of the Jews who are now claiming the Land of Canaan (Palestine) based on the “COVENANT OF THE PROMISED LAND?”

ANSWER: Nowhere.  Isaac was not a party to the covenant of the Promised Land. He was not even born at the time.

PLEASE WATCH VIDEO – 3 1/2 minutes

Friday, July 11, 2014


An interview with Sheikh Nabeel Naiem; former leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

Nabeel Naiem: He (Zawahri) asked Abu Bakr Baghdadi to pledge allegiance to him (as the Emir)... But Abu Bakr Baghdadi, since he’s basically a U.S. agent, told him, "We are the people of cause, the cause of liberating Iraq, Syria, and so on. You’re the one who should pledge allegiance to us." Ayman (Zawahri) refused, so there was a dispute and a fight between them.

- How is he an American agent? Explain to us how?

Nabeel Naiem: It is known that the USA released him from prison, and he spent 20 to 30 million US Dollars to establish these ISIS groups the first ISIS camps were established in Jordan, and Jordan doesn’t allow camps for charity when Jordan established camps to train terrorist groups, it doesn’t do that out of goodwill and charity, these camps were supervised by the Marines, and the arming of ISIS is all American.. and how do they arrange their expenses? I was in charge of a camp for 120 men; we were spending thousands of thousands (dollars)…food, drinks, weapons, munitions, training…

Nabeel Naiem: Henry Kissinger wrote a memo in 1982 or 1984, I don’t remember exactly; it’s titled The 100 Years War. When asked where this 100-year war would occur, he said in the Middle East when we ignited the war between the Sunnah and the Shiites.

So they’re working on igniting the war between the Sunna and the Shiites, just like what Abu Mussab (Zarqawi) used to blow up Sunnah mosques and then blow up Shiite mosques to start the sectarian war in the region, and this is, of course, an American plot. I tell you, ISIS didn’t kill a single American.

ISIS didn’t behead a single American and didn’t play football with his head; they beheaded Muslims and ate livers of Muslims and didn’t kill a single American, though it’s established since 2006…

Nabeel Naiem: It’s required to clash Saudi and Iran in the 100 years war, an endless war, it exhausts Saudi resources and its monies, and it exhausts Iran resources and its monies, like what they did during the days of Saddam in Iraq (with Iran). This is what we should understand, fight, and stand against.

Q: You mentioned Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. We see similar activities in all of them, and you also mentioned Saudi Arabia. Will Saudi Arabia be targeted in the coming phase?

Nabeel Naiem: It was meant when the Muslim Brotherhood laid its ground in ruling Egypt, problems would start in Saudi in 2016 and in the whole Gulf (GCC); this is not my words; this is what the head of national security in the United Arab Emirates Dhahi Khalfan said, he arrested those who confessed.

Where did Dhahi Khalfan get this? They arrested cells that confessed in detail: If the Muslim Brotherhood settles in Egypt, they’ll start exporting problems to the Gulf (GCC) through their existing cells and destabilizing the security of the Gulf, and this is what Dhahi Khalfan, head of national security in UAE, said, not what I said.

Q- These armies work for the account of which battle and between whom…?

…it works for the US Intelligence (CIA)
Whom it fights? The regimes…they put a plan in 1998 called the “Clean Break” (PNAC).

It fights both Sunnah and Shiites. When they entered Sammera, Sheikh Ali Hatimi , head of Anbar tribes, said, ISIS entered Sammera and killed a thousand Sunnis in cold blood – they killed Shiites and Christians and killed whoever they faced.

ISIS considers all people infidels, and their bloods are free…

Who killed Imam Ali and appropriated his blood, who slaughtered Hussein – was he not a Muslim and from a sect that called themselves Islamists?

All these have a shameless historical extension - the Prophet (PBUH) called them the dogs of hell…

Please watch if you have time: 41 minutes...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

THE PROPHET: was he abducted by angels/aliens to repair his failing heart?

The prophet Muhammad, according to Islamic tradition, was very frail as a child, one of the reasons why his mother gave him to a family for care in a village with a better climate. In that village, two other children witnessed angels coming down from heaven that opened the prophet’s heart and cleansed it of its blackness. Muslims interpreted this as the purification of the Prophet’s heart. The Prophet soon returned to his mother. The Prophet was also known to have a mark on his back that people referred to as the mark of his prophethood. Can this mark be the scar of a cardiac surgery performed by the angels/aliens to repair the Prophet’s congenital heart malformation that he was born with?

Obviously, the black that the children saw removed from the Prophet’s heart was unoxygenated blood; the basic pathology in most congenital heart diseases manifested as cyanosis, where the child turns blue-black during a medical crisis or when a child simply cries.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) could be the first recorded Alien abductee with witnesses who lived to tell the story. However, the Prophet must have been too young to remember any of the events because he was not known to have spoken of that particular incident in his life. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

QUR’AN: astounding clue to the planet of the “GARDEN OF EDEN”

“Fever Pitch” describes our present scramble to search for other life forms in the universe. NASA promises that within a decade or so, we will find habitable planets that harbor life with certainty of accuracy. Within 15 to 20 years, NASA promises to send a man to Mars, but private enterprise may beat NASA to that human adventure within a decade or less. Hurray!

Some time ago, I was dumbfounded when Scientific American Magazine, in a special issue, published the advances made in mapping the human genome that scientists refer to as a “Book of Life” that parents can buy for a price before their child is born. In that book is your child’s predetermined future: the color of his/her hair, eyes, and skin, level of intelligence, diseases he/she will be born with, what illnesses he/she will have in later life, and whether he/she will be prone to accidents, drug abuse, and tendency to commit crime and so forth and so on including failures and success. I was dumbstruck because I am one who didn’t believe in predestination, although the Qur’an says that you can only be what God decreed you to be in your “Book of Decrees” (Book of Life). Wow!

Time Travel is not only possible; we were already there, but I have no doubt that humans will one day stumble upon it with a great surprise and maybe with a resounding laughter, something like – yeah, why didn’t we think about that before. One of the most elaborate stories ever told in the Qur’an is about a group of youths who were transported by God 309 lunar years into the future together with their dog. Another was a traveler that God time transported 100 years into the future with his donkey, food, and water.

…here goes my latest discovery.

A very specific number was mentioned about the day of creation and the day of chastisement.

Qur’an 32:5 - He directs the affairs from the heavens to the earth, and then it ascends unto Him in a day, the measure of which is a thousand years of your reckoning.

In another verse referring to the judgment day:

Qur’an 70: 1-4 - A questioner asked about a chastisement to befall. The unbelievers of which, there is none to ward off, a penalty from Allah, Lord of the ways of ascent, the angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a day, the measure thereof is fifty thousand years.

This 1,000 and 50,000 years has been to this day a subject of debate, especially to those who accuse the Qur’an and Muslims of untruth and inaccuracies with these differing values as proof. “One day” in this debate is constant, and while we can only guess how the angels and the spirit “jump space and time,the distance becomes immaterial whether 1,000 – 50,000 or 100,000 years away is of no significance. The value of ‘one day’ remains the same. When you jump time, distance does not matter. 

While pondering these Qur’an puzzles, we missed an astounding message in the debate. God gave us (I can hear the angels laughing) in very specific terms where to find the Garden of Eden – our planet of origin. It is barely 1,000 years away, but hey, 1,000 light years away is still far, but for certainty, we can find it if we look within that directional range. With the next generation of space telescopes scheduled for launch in 2018 that will retire the Hubble, we may, in the not-so-distant future, have an accurate image of our dream planet pasted on our walls – THE GARDEN OF EDEN. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

AMERICAN EMPIRE: Rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria…

…till the advent of Qiyamah (judgment day), there is no fitnah (evil, test) much greater than that of Dajjal.\" (The Prophet)

Revelation 14:8
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

Revelation 18:2
And he cried with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Jeremiah 51:29
And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant.